Snow… Seldom do we see the amount of snow that blankets the landscape right now. Leaving work yesterday, it seemed early…
A blanket of white covering everything makes just a tiny bit of light bounce and reflect until it almost seems like daylight…even when the sun has long since set, even when clouds hang low, weeping out fluffy white flakes.
Every little speck against a backdrop of this snowy whiteness stands out starkly, the contrast is so great. A footprint thru to the soil beneath, a tire track, a patch of snow that has been soiled with a spilled drink…every little thing shows up against the pure white snow.
I was thinking yesterday about how disfigured and imperfect I am. When I examine myself against a simple ten-part standard, I fail miserably. Black….dirty…so ugly against the pureness of God. It serves the purpose God intended…it makes me see how badly I need a Savior. I can’t get myself pure when I can’t even follow ten simply stated guidelines. Did you see any black ugliness in yourself ?
‘Come now ! Let us reason together…’ (Isa. 1:18) That is God speaking thru the prophet Isaiah. Engage yourself…enter into the conversation He initiates…He continues ‘though your sins are like scarlet…they shall be as white as snow…’
Imagine a bright red laying against this backdrop of snow. What a contrast ! My sin shows up. Like a huge bright red stain on this pure white landscape of sin shows up. The Good News is that the scarlet blood of my Savior ‘purifies me from all sin’ (1 John 1:7) I am ‘justified by His blood…’(Rom. 5:9)
White as snow… He ‘suffered outside the city gate to make me holy through His own blood.’ (Heb. 13:12) Whiter than snow.. ‘..wash me and I will be whiter than snow.’ (Ps.51:7)
How could anything possibly be whiter than this snow….