Monday, August 23, 2010


Fit… Do you?

I heard someone say they didn’t. I know that feeling. It made me stop to consider when I stopped feeling like I didn’t fit. Makes me wonder if somewhere along the way I began to fit , or if I just stopped caring that I didn’t fit.

Someone else I know once told me about a missing piece of a puzzle, a piece that she needed to complete the picture of herself. She searched for a long time for that missing piece.

To fit, I think we first have to know who we are. I can’t fit unless I know the shape of my piece of the puzzle. I won’t fit into your puzzle piece’s place. I have to find my own place, and to find it, I must examine what it is I’m searching for…what is it that I am trying to find a ‘fit’ for.

Jesus didn’t fit. Even though by His very breath, the stars were created. “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; all the host of them by the breath of His Mouth.” (Ps. 33:6) Even though by His Word, light became. “..God said ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.”(Gen. 1:3)

He was responsible for the creation of every part of our reality and beyond…He made our world, yet did not fit in it…. “He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.” (John 1:10)

It was not always so. God The Father created perfect fit, intimate relationship between God and man. “ …the Lord God, walking in the garden in the cool of the day… "and God called unto Adam, and said to Him, ‘where are you?’" (Gen.3:8) God came to walk with Adam in the cool of the day! Everything God made was once perfectly fitted. "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good."(Gen. 1:31)

Then the choice was made to know evil, the choice was made to decide for self rather than obey. Because sin was present, the perfect fit was spoiled. Everything that was once good, now had evil in the mix.

That is exactly why I didn’t fit. I didn’t understand it, but I felt it. I sensed the very real truth that something was dreadfully wrong. I was not what I was meant to be. And I was not meant to be any of the things that I saw offered as I searched for that missing piece and searched for the place where I fit.

I felt it until He did the work of re-creation in me…when I ‘received the Spirit Who is from God, …that I could understand what God has freely given me.’ (1 Cor.2:12 personalized by me)

I felt it until I found Him in such a personal way, that I no longer fell for the deception and lie of the enemy…no longer looked outward for where my puzzle piece fit.

I felt it until I looked upward to Him and then inward to His Spirit, The Holy Spirit that is now present within.

I don’t fit…HE does.

He fits perfectly into that gaping hole in my soul.

And because of that perfect fit, I don’t care that I do not fit anywhere else.