Sunday, February 28, 2010


Go… Jonah was told to go. He went…eventually.

God told Noah to go. (Gen.6:14 &7:1) Good thing for us he followed the directions!

Abram was told to go. “Leave your country, your people, your father’s household..”(Gen. 12:1) Later, God told him to “go to the region of Moriah…” (Gen.22:2) That ‘go’ was tough…both of them. Leaving everything familiar, and handing over your precious child.

There is story after story telling us how God directed the lives of people, how they disobeyed, the consequences they and others suffered from the disobedience. We learn how God is always faithful, ‘we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.’ (Rom. 8:28) Even in our disobedience, when we turn again to Him, He takes those awful consequences and brings some benefit to us…growing our faith. Reading and pondering prayerfully over these stories builds our own faith. We see how God has worked in ages past. He is still the same God. He still can be trusted. And still, we often stubbornly refuse to obey Him.

I have a ‘go’. “Jesus said …. ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.’ ”(Mark 16:15) I don’t preach in Kenya or China or any other foreign land. But I am present by being a financial part of a ministry in other parts of the world, and I invest my prayers for the work there.

I ‘go’ every morning when I crank up my vehicle. I go into my own personal world, and my commission from the Lord is to RE-present Him to all creation. It took a long time for me to come to understand just what that means. To present Christ is the goal of every day…in some small or big way, to present Him to someone He misses from the safety of His fold.

I've learned how much He loves me. And I’ve learned how much He loves every other person on this orb we call Earth. And unlike us…His love for you does not diminish His love and care for me.

Go……it’s a journey. Not a sit still and wait kind of thing.…We must get up….walk it out…it requires action on our part.

Go !! And have a glorious Lord’s Day, praise His Name, and worship at the feet of The One Who gave you life

Saturday, February 27, 2010


But… It’s the perfect word at the beginning of every excuse. “And the word of the Lord came to Jonah… ‘Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.’ ” (Jonah 1:1,2)

BUT… ‘Jonah ran away from the Lord ..’ (vs.3) It’s a short story, 4 chapters. I encourage you to read it for yourself today.

Israel was the original exclusivist, the nation was commissioned to be the light of the world. Since Abraham, the first father of the nation, their purpose was to ‘bless all nations on earth’ …‘BECAUSE you have obeyed Me.’ (Gen. 22:18) They were to be a ‘light for the Gentiles, …to bring My salvation to the ends of the earth.’ (Isa. 49:6) I notice that the blessing of all nations comes thru Israel not because of who they are…but simply out of the of their obedient life.

Often, however, they were NOT obedient. Often they were just proud of their status, the simple fact that God had chosen to work thru them instead of any other people Often they chose not to make any efforts to bring others to the knowledge of God. And I think Jonah was an exclusivist.

Jonah had judged Nineveh, he knew about them. This was the capital city of Assyria, the rising world power, cruel in their methods. They were known for their violence and the multitude of their warriors. Jonah thought it was a good idea to get rid of the whole lot of them, rid the world of the looming threat.

Jonah had already condemned them. He didn’t WANT them to repent, he had no desire to see God working on their minds and heart. So he used their sinfulness as a reason to excuse himself from cooperating with God in ministering His love to them, bringing them to repentance. He used their disobedience to justify his own.

I find the circumstances for Jonah’s rebellion interesting. We’d often call things like this a ‘sign’ or a ‘confirmation’. Everything just fell into place for Jonah to do what he wanted instead of doing what God had assigned. He went down to the docks of Joppa, a port city of Judea, and there he found a boat headed just where he wanted to go….away from where he was…absolute opposite direction in fact. They had a ticket available, he had the money…so off he went. I can just hear the conversation he was having with himself on the way. Maybe he was talking to himself, making bargains…‘if they don’t have a ticket..then I guess I am not supposed to go’. ‘If God really wants me to do that Nineveh thing, He’ll close this door’ This must be okay to do…or else it wouldn’t have worked out….right?

Like Jonah, I often realize I’m headed in the opposite direction from where God has in mind. He is ‘patient…not wanting anyone to perish….wanting everyone to come to repentance.’(2Peter 3:9) I don’t always make the effort to tell others about the love of God. I don’t always take the time to encourage them to seek God, repenting and turning away form the lifestyle that will eventually consume and destroy them. I don’t always look beyond the moment, looking into the difference the future might hold if only one person chooses God…changing the course of events for future generations.

This nation of people would be the first agressor upon Israel later in history, carrying them into foreign lands as slaves. If Nineveh had not had this time of repentance, Israel’s future might have been even more dreadful. How much worse would the captivity have been, had Nineveh not had this reprieve from their cruel methods? For a few generations at least, there was a seeking after God and a putting away of the evil that was so prevalent in their society. The captive nation knew the end result of that, even if they didn’t realize it at the time.

How many Ninevites will we meet in heaven one day because of Jonah’s message? Even if it did take an act of God for them to hear it…

Friday, February 26, 2010


Alone… Sometimes we feel like we are so alone. Ever feel alone in the midst of a crowded room? People who have lost their mates struggle with the loneliness that follows. Friends can help, but nothing takes the place of a lost spouse. There’s scriptural reasoning for that..

“ The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’”(Gen.2:18) Companionship between man and woman was ordained by God. Few there are who, like Paul, are called to remain unmarried. (1 Cor. 7:7-9)

Sometimes, what I feel is not really ‘alone’, but what the KJV Bible calls ‘peculiar’. ( I can almost hear you chuckling…quit it ! )

“Our Savior Jesus Christ…gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” (Titus 2:13-14)

There you have it…I am peculiar. Sometimes I feel like old Elijah.. ‘I have been working my heart out for the God of the Angel Armies…and the people…have abandoned your covenant…I’m the only one left…’ (quoted from The Message) Elijah was not alone…he whined a little, God listened, and showed him how wrong he was. Read the 19th chapter of 1 Kings for yourself. It will do your heart good.

We are all alone in this way. We alone are responsible for our side of our relationship with God. We do not inherit the faith of our parents like we inherit their blonde hair. We don’t inherit our place in the kingdom of God like we inherit their house when they leave this life. Our relationship with God is up to us. He invites us, woos us, gives us so much help in knowing Him thru scripture…yet it’s ultimately our choice.

His choice is ‘yes’! And He even offers to enable us, getting under our burdens with us, helping us to carry them…even carrying them FOR us,…. teaching us, forgiving us time and time again…cleansing us, re-creating us in His image….perfecting us, showing us His intended purpose for our life, and loving us! He LOVES us. He LOVES you!! Even with all your yuck, He loves you so much.

But..sometimes we choose a definite ‘no thanks’. Then…we are indeed alone.

‘..the Father will give you ..the be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth..’ (John 14:16-17)

I will never be alone. I may be lonely, bored, feel out of place, or even outnumbered…but I will never ever be alone…for He is with me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Proud… Lots of scripture address the issue of pride….and do so in a negative light. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) So are we to have no pride??

I wonder that we don’t use the words pride and proud loosely. We equate them with our sense of satisfaction over personal accomplishments, or those of our loved ones. We think of our government, our country, and the armed forces who guard our freedoms…and we sing that we are ‘proud to be an American…’

We think of self-esteem, taking pains to look our best...personal ‘pride’. We consider our advancement in any arena, personal or public, to be something to be ‘proud’ of.

Perhaps the words ‘thankful for’ should often be replaced for our use of the words ‘proud of’. ?? We forget that it is God Who has created everything within the realm of our reality. He gives us the capacity to do any good we do….we do not accomplish one good thing that does bear His Fingerprints.

We can, however, manage on our own to do a lot of damage…. we all suffer from the same eternally fatal disease. Sin. “..all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”(Romans 3:23)

The word translated ‘proud’ in James 4:6 is ‘huperephanos’. It means to place above, to regard superior. Arrogance comes to my mind. And I’ve had holy reminders before about what I term ‘spiritual arrogance’. God has every right to wear glory feathers in His cap. I do not. It is only by His grace and merciful love that I do not suffer eternal death from this disease of sin we all suffer from, and only then thru Jesus Christ….not from personal accomplishments or defeating it in and of myself. My symptoms may manifest themselves differently than yours…but we all have the same disease….and we all need saving from it. We need a Savior.

Scripture does not teach us to have no care or regard about all these things we say we take ‘pride’ in…but it does teach us to remember that ‘every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.’ (James 1:17)

There are lots of ways to say it…this wrong thing of ‘pride’…arrogance and self-conceit, conceit about our own excellence…. any thing that contributes to our own importance and exalts our opinion of self or exalts us in the eyes of others.

None of this negates the striving for excellence for the glory of God. But let us always be sure it’s for His glory….and not our own.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Abomination.. I’ve recently heard a play on this word, exchanging an O for the A when someone was making known their political views. We don’t use the word ‘abomination’ much today in ordinary conversation. Those of us who are prone to speak ‘Christianese’ may throw it around a little….

The original word of scripture is ‘toebah’ For any grammar geeks out there, it’s the feminine active participle of ‘taab’ which means to loath, detest, abhor. So basically, abomination is disgusting.

There are a lot of things in scripture that we are told God finds disgusting. Some of them, we quickly agree with Him. “Do not have sexual relations with an animal, it is an abomination” (Lev. 18:22) God said that burning children in the fire to the false god Molech was an abomination to Him. (Deu. 12:31)

Our culture seems to be more and more disagreeing with God about this one… “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. That is detestable” (Lev. 18:22) Perhaps we are seeing Romans 1:25-27 coming to pass. “…they changed the truth of God into a lie….for this cause God gave them up to vile affections. For even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise, the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly…’

Don’t call me homophobic…God made the rules, not me.

I even found a list.. “…..there are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.’ (Pro. 6:16-19)

I felt pretty good about myself until I found this… “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord..” (Pro. 16:5) POW !! How’s that for knocking you off your little pedestal Connie ?!! (My pride is a constant battleground…..I know I’m probably the only one…..right?)

But as always, God is good. He disciplines me, chastises me, takes me down a notch when He needs to…and He always encourages me as well. “By mercy and truth, iniquity is purged… and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.” (Pro.16:6)

I can’t know how He needs to change me until I recognize it in myself. What He says..IS. Period. What He says is absolute truth whether I agree or not. And He is merciful in revealing that truth to me rather than watching me sink deeper into whatever thing it is that needs to be purged.

Lots of things are disgusting to God. But never so disgusting that He can not cleanse and make new. We are never so disgusting that He turns His back. “Today, please listen. Don’t turn a deaf ear…” (Heb. 3:7,8 The Message)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Declare.. I remember my mother and my grandmother often saying ‘Well, I declare!’. I probably say it too. How do we get started saying those kinds of things? What did it mean, and does it still mean the same thing, or do we just mindlessly say something that has absolutely no meaning at all to us? Empty words…

There are no empty words. Every word we utter declares something, tells something about us. Jesus said “ will have to give account…for every careless word they have spoken.” (Matt. 12:36) I think maybe I talk too much ! Maybe I should think a lot more before I speak. I can’t take those words back like I can on this word-process….can’t look them over and decide to delete them or rephrase them in more loving terms.

“Eventually there is going to be an inspection. …The inspection will be thorough and rigorous…I won’t get by with a thing.” (1 Cor. 3:13 The Message) Everything I say and do should be channeled thru the Truth of Jesus Christ. Whew….that’s a tall order ! I’m thanking God again for His amazing grace and His patience with me as I grow and learn. I am not “wise by the standards of this age..” but want to be “ a fool so that I may become wise”…the “wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.” (1 Cor. 3:18,19)

“I confess my iniquity, I am troubled by my sin.” (Ps. 38:18) I decide afresh that “I will declare Your Name to my brothers, in the congregation I will praise You.”(Ps.22:22)

There’s a lot of declaring goes on…..even the “heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His Hands. Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…” (Ps. 19:1-4)

What do you declare today? Better decide…because it WILL be something.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Rest …I can’t seem to get it sometimes. Oh, I slept last night, I‘ve had two days off, not working today…but still seem to need rest. Why is it I need rest since I’ve been pretty much inactive for 48 hour? Maybe I’m tired from all the resting I’ve done !

I find myself sighing…over and over. And grunting….(shudder!!) Whine, whine, whine….how I detest whiners, and I’m the Queen of Whine sometimes.

I’ve complained to God about it, and seem to get no sympathy. Instead, He seems to be saying ‘ok, let‘s get past this!’ (‘how long will you lie there?’ Pro. 6:9 ‘I tell you, get up…’ Mark 2:11)

and ‘Remember my promises !’ (‘she who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.’ Ps.91:1)

and ‘ I have rest for you, take it!’ ( ‘ come to Me, all you who are weary…I will give you rest…take My yoke .. ’ Matt. 11:28, 29)

and ‘you are ok, so enough already…!” ( ‘Go in the strength you have…Am I not sending you?…I will be with you…’ (Judges 6:14,16)

and ‘keep on keeping’ on’.. ( ‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ Gal. 6:9)

A primary purpose of The Holy Spirit is to help us remember what God has said. Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to “.. teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.’ (John 14:26) He can only remind us of what we have heard Him say, and He still speaks thru scripture as recorded in the Bible. But we have to on purpose find out what He has said. He doesn’t scream it into our lives, forcing us to hear. We have to have an ear to hear Him…and a desire to listen. (‘He that has ears, let him hear’ Matt.11;15)

Then this. “The Soverign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the Word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.” (Isa. 50:4)

So He has spoken…He has brought to my mind many of the things He has said. Perhaps it wasn’t rest I needed after all. Perhaps it was just solitude…and opportunity for Him to speak to some things in my life.

My body is old and tired. It does need rest, God rested (Ge. 2:2) …Jesus rested (John 4:6). But Jesus made sure He had time alone with His Father, ( Matt.14:23, Mark 6:46, Luke 6:12, Luke 9:28) )

I have no excuse for keeping a weary mind…. Not when He ‘will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.’(Jeremiah 31:25

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Betrayal….I have tasted betrayal, I know how hurtful it is. I’ve even been guilty of it, God forgive me. I could offer excuses, but excuses change absolutely nothing.

I’ve struggled with how Judas betrayed Jesus. Perhaps because I’ve seen glimpses of myself in him…the selfish agenda, the ambition and preconceived ideas of personal greatness, position that would be gained by riding the coat-tails of Someone he thought would be a warrior king, toppling the Roman government and setting up a grand new Jewish reign. Judas wanted that. Who doesn’t want to be successful, and who doesn’t have their own definition of just what successful is?

The little band with Jesus carried a ‘moneybag’ with meager assets especially to help others. Judas was in charge of it, and misused it. “…he was a thief, as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.’ (John 12:6) How often do I misuse resources? How often do I put my desires above the needs of others?

I don’t like the end of this story. Judas changed his mind. He tried to un-do what he had done. “When Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders.” (Matt. 27:3)

Oh if only Judas had just come to Jesus with this…if only he had come clean to the One he had turned his back on in betrayal instead of turning to the religious and civil authorities, the priests and elders. Why do we do that same thing? Why can we not learn from this awful story that JESUS is the One to go to with all things?! Our organized governing bodies both religious and civil, can not remove our guilt…and be not mistaken, we all have guilt, and plenty of it. These entities can’t change the course of our lives. Jesus can. We will never be able to un-do what is wrong deep within us. Jesus can. And He longs to be allowed to do so.

I’m comforted in knowing that none of this took Jesus by surprise. He knew the end of the story before the story ever began, before He stepped from the throne of glory into a tiny body of flesh birthed from Mary’s womb. He knew Judas’ heart when He included Him in the inner circle. And He used even the disobedience, the rejection, and ultimate betrayal to achieve the purposes of God from the very beginning of time….the bringing about of the possibility of our restored relationship.

Here’s what I hope….I hope that before Judas’ last breath, he cried out to God in total belief that Jesus was Who He said He was, even though all of that looked different than Judas had expected and wished for. And I’m thankful that God can and will judge Judas’ heart, judging it right…just as He will judge the thief that hung on the cross next to Jesus.


Offense…I am offended today. Something was called to my attention that offended me. I felt insulted and immediately angry. So now what…?

The thing that offends me has no power over me really….unless I grant it. The question I am faced with is how I will respond. Do I rise to meet it? Challenge it? Maybe I’ll just rise up above it…raise the bar even. Maybe I will retaliate, seek revenge.

Or… do I just bow to it? Ignore it? Turn the other cheek yet again?

There have been many times when I have just simply reacted in situations like this. There are too many times when I do not channel offenses thru my Advocate. (1 John 2:1) He is my Defender. He is the One to Whom I should go with every thing that offends me.

Sometimes I have found that the things that offend me often reveal to me some ugliness that needs to be dealt with. Perhaps that is why He allowed it in the first place. I know that as His child. “The Lord knows those who are His.”(2Tim. 2:19) I am sealed, (Eph. 4:30) and nothing comes against me that I can not bear with His aid. “No temptation has seized me except what is common to man. God is faithful, He will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear, but when I am tempted, He will also provide a way out so that I can stand up under it.” (1Cor. 10:13)

I can know no offense that my Lord does not know better. He washed the feet of the very one who would only moments later betray Him. Jesus had every right many times over to lash out in righteous indignation…He was insulted personally time and time again. The only time I recall in scripture where He showed any indignation was over the way His Father’s temple was being dishonored….and that incident was of no personal insult, but an insult to His Father.

Yep…I’m insulted….and trying to wait until I understand from Him where to go from here.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hugs……What is a hug? Isn’t it just squeezing? It’s done with the arms…Wikipedia says it’s a demonstration of affection, a form of physical intimacy.

The word ‘hug’ just came to me this morning. Isn’t worship like a hug? It is a physical expression. Love without expression…can it even exist? When we see our children and grandchildren, can we help but express our affection? Our hearts feel as if they will explode if we can’t somehow communicate this fullness inside us.

God’s love for us is expressed by our very existence on this planet, expressed by everything in our reality, given to us as a gift of love, prepared even before He created us. He even went to the great length of stepping off of heaven’s throne and into this created realm, knowing death in our stead, in the Person of Jesus Christ.

I can hug a pillow. But there is no expressing of anything deep within me in doing so. I can hug a person and it be meaningless. No…the motion of the arms doesn’t make it a’s the communication and warmth of heart that makes it a hug. My grand-daughter sometimes hugs like that…just to appease me but she’s really too busy to be bothered about it…she’ll squeeze with her arms really quick, and off she goes. The hug I want is the one I didn’t ask or beg for…the one freely given, the one she enjoyed as much as I did.

So too, worship is not a physical activity. It is not something that can be touched or even observed.. It happens within my attitude, my spirit, my ‘heart’. It is more than human emotion, or even the surrender of my personal will. There is a relationship…a reaching out from my heart to the heart of God, and a response!! A response of God’s spirit within me…to the Spirit of Himself…‘Deep calling to deep..”(Ps. 42:7) It NEEDS to be expressed. It yearns to be received by The One Whom we hug.

Abba, Father…Daddy !! ‘ Because you are sons (and daughters), God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit Who calls out ‘Abba, Father.’ (Galatians 4:6 personalized by me).

His Spirit ‘testifies with our spirit..’(Romans 8:16)

The purpose of worship is not to somehow ingratiate myself….not only can that not be done, it is not necessary. God loved me when I was yet a sinner…(Romans 5:8) I can’t provide a service to God …He ‘needs not to be worshipped with men’s hands as though He needs any thing’ (Acts17:25)

I need not attempt to pay my own debt , which is the curse of death, the death I deserve because of the imperfect condition I find myself in. My expressions of devotion do not change my condition. He does. How I praise Him this morning for the depths of His love, and that He allows me these small A-HA!! moments with Him.……

He is so very good.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Worship…Webster says it means to pay divine honors to the Supreme Being; to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission, to respect and venerate.

The words in the scriptures of the Old Testament seem to refer to a reverent attitude of the mind or the body, sometimes both of them combined. There are several Hebrew words that are used to communicate this ‘worship’ concept. Several Greek words are used in the New Testament as well. So many I will need much more time than my regular morning quiet time to discern.

What is this thing we so casually today call ‘worship’. Is it something I perform? Something to be ‘done’? CAN I even ‘do’ the thing?

What is the purpose? Who decides what it is, how it is accomplished? Is there a certain standard?

I can not articulate my thoughts on this yet…I’m still searching the heart of God about it. And asking Him to search mine….

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Glory…just what does that mean? Webster says it’s brightness and splendor. The word in the original language that is translated ‘glory’ is ‘doxa’. It means honor, praise, dignity…that which reflects, expresses or exhibits dignity.

‘God is not a man…’(Numbers 23:19) He is not like us, no matter how we try to get Him into the box with us, He is not in the box of our reality. He made everything we know…everything IN our reality was simply spoken into existence. ‘By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.; (Psalm 33:6) From the tiniest of cells to the vastness of the galaxies, ‘God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, are clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.’ (Romans 1:20) All we need to do is look around, or look up into the night sky. There is His glory, clearly seen indeed.

No, He doesn’t need me to glorify Him. He has no need. He IS glory, whether I acknowledge it or not. But He wants me to acknowledge Him for Who He is. He wants the best for each of us, He created us ! And He didn’t create us to watch us suffer. Neither do I have anything to offer Him to make Him bigger and better.

He has gone to such great lengths to communicate Himself to me, to show Himself to me so that I might know Him. He came in flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ to communicate His sacrificial love, that love itself glorified, as Jesus’ blood ran down the cross, Him dying instead of me…taking the penalty for what I have done.

I continue to try to grasp the depth of His glory. Paul prayed for me, and for you, that we might ‘grasp how wide and how long and how high and how deep is the love of Christ, to know this love that surpasses knowledge, that we might be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’ (Ephesians 3:18) It is ME that needs to glorify Him. I am the one lacking, the one with the sin problem, the one who makes wrong choices and bad decisions. He is God. The Perfect One, The I AM.

Glory !!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Birth… 27 years ago was a birthing day for me. Right about now (7:30 a.m.) Kerry and I were deep into that Lamaze breathing stuff. If he missed a breath, so did I…pushing instead ! Poor Kerry was hoarse by the time it was all over. I was exhausted..

I relive my birthing days every year. I don’t know if all mothers do that…but I relive both of mine. I remember what we did the hours before it started, details about the people who were present. I remember that it hurt, …but I don’t remember the way it felt. And I remember the infant son born from my body, nuzzling against me, knowing me…..knowing that I was his mother…that I was the source of his nourishment. I remember looking into their little face, looking deep into their eyes, as they looked for the first time at the grand new world.

Spiritual birth is reality. Just as our physical birth brings us into the world of our parents, so does spiritual birth usher us into a spiritual realm, the realm of Jesus Christ and the very kingdom of our Father God. ’Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.’ (John 3:6)

‘..flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God..(1 Cor. 15:50) It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how talented you are, how determined you are…you can’t be part of what God is involved in, can’t be inside the gates of this kingdom, without this new birth.

I am spiritually reborn…..and I know where my nourishment comes from. I labored in the process, not understanding…trying to stay where I was, yet grasp the spiritual realm as well. I guess being confined inside the religious predicament I was in offered some sort of security…but a baby can’t stay in the confines of the womb…it must be born, or die.

I am so thankful to know the reality of spiritual birth. I’m so secure in the love of my Father. He is so faithful in His care for me, nourishing me, teaching me, even His disciplining me.

It’s a grand new world, this kingdom of God.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Relationship…that word has popped into conversations from all directions…for days. I’ve been trying to listen this morning, asking God to help me understand more fully.. deeper. Surely He is speaking to me about something specific…

My husband and I discussed relationship at great length a few nights ago. It seems God is dealing with him about relationship stuff too…woke him up in the night, this relationship topic heavy on his mind.

My friend and sister in Christ brought it up again, this time in the Sunday school class she leads. She introduced an illustration that was new to me…a triangle , depicting 3 components in our relationship with God. Covenant, knowledge, and worship.

It keeps coming back to my mind…what does my triangle look like? Balanced on all 3 sides? Or not?

In our covenant with God, we enter into a commitment. He certainly made a more costly commitment…the blood covenant of Jesus Christ. I enter into this covenant on the merit of Jesus’ blood. Not my own. I can’t speak for you, but I am committed to Him. I fail miserably and often, but the intent from the depths of my heart is to be fully committed to Him in every facet of my being, every moment of my day, every word and action…

I’m not happy about everything I find in my heart when I begin to examine it, and examine my commitment. It’s a daily choice. Thankfully, God never has the issues that I struggle with, and He even helps me overcome my own inability to live up to the commitment I make to Him, giving me His Spirit as divine Helper and Comforter… (which makes me love Him even more…and makes me want even more passionately to commit every part of my being in obedience to Him and cooperation with Him).

My knowledge is more than some I guess…definitely not a short side of my triangle. I have studied quite a bit…been churched since….well, I don’t remember NOT being churched ! I like to read, and have read a lot of books. Some deeper than others, but most of what I’ve read is of a spiritual nature. I’m in my 7th year of Bible Study Fellowship…studied the Bible a lot, and know how to use a lot of available resources.

But that’s all book knowledge…head knowledge. Facts. For many years, I didn’t know God. Even though I was thoroughly churched. I knew about God. (scared to death of Him really..) But I didn’t really know HIM.. I had no intimacy with Who He really is, didn’t know His great love for me. ME. The real me. He does love me. And He loves you.

I am learning about worship. I believe my triangle is short on this side. That is what I’m waiting to hear from Him about. He’s begun to speak…just little hints so far…Oh, He doesn’t need my love….doesn’t need my worship. His ego doesn’t need bolstering. He knows full well that He is God. It is me who benefits.

Worship brings me into a deeper intimacy with Him, and I am safe to go there.

And so blessed…

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Love..Today is Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air….and the banner of love has been flying high, restaurants full of couples, and stores cashing in on the opportunity to sell merchandise designated for your ‘valentine’.

‘…He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.’ (Song of Solomon 2:4) The entirety of Solomon’s book is a romantic love story. It has lots of rich lessons for us, lessons about our relationships as husband and wife, and the love relationship that God has for us….the relationship that God WANTS us to be completely engaged in and committed to.

I’ve been married to my valentine since 1974. He treats me like a 'lily among thorns' (S.of Sol.2:2) He makes me feel treasured and beautiful. I am secure knowing his love for me.

‘How great is the love the Father has lavished on me, that I should be called a child of God! And that is what I am !’ (1 John 3:1 personalized by me) I am secure in my marriage…my husband puts me as his top priority, nothing out-ranks me except God Himself.

How much more secure I am to be in the love of God. “His banner over me is love.” (S.of S. 2:4) God has stopped at nothing to communicate His love for me. Jesus left the perfection of heaven to step into a body of slowly dying flesh, just to communicate the love of God, to dwell among us, and to restore our relationship with Him back to the way it was…perfect and complete.

‘Taste and see…the lord is good..’ (Ps. 34:8)

‘Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord.’
(Ps. 107:43)

How I pray you really know Him….know His character, His perfect love for you. He is so good.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hear times, I get so tired of sounds. My ears are very sensitive, my mind processes every sound...sometimes yards away from me... I find myself hearing, though I am not listening. Sometimes, I'd like a switch to turn it off.
I wish I could hear like that with my spirit and my heart. Jesus often said 'He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.' (I can give you at least half a dozen verses for that if you want them.) He knows I have hears...but do I have hears 'to hear'...or have I switched that off? (Seems I have no problem switching off THAT hearing!)

Do I only hear what is comfortable and pleasant? Is my spiritual hearing as sensitive as my ears seem to be sometimes? Or does God have to speak really loud before I pay attention?

"And the Lord came and stood and called as at other times....'Samuel...Samuel...' and Samuel answered, Speak:for thy servant heareth."(1Sam.3:10) ... See More

'Connie....Connie...." When He speaks, I want to hear....the first time He calls.


answers...I don't have them all. What I do have is a Source of information.

What I do have is an inside scoop to THE Answer Man.('search the scriptures....they testify of Me.' John5:39) Sometimes I get answers immediately. Some I'm still waiting on. Sometimes I get a 'yes'....sometimes a clear 'no'.
There is nothing special about me, you have the same opportunity to this Answer Man. But following Christ must really be about following HIM...seeking His FACE, not just the blessings of His Hand. Oh, don't think I've got this down pat...I'm a work in progress. But I am confident that He will continue His work in me till it is completed.(James1:4... See More) 'Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked,"What do you want?"...'(John 1:38) So...what is it you want from Jesus. Do you seek His kingdom?... or yours? His glory?....or yours? Be honest with yourself. He knows the truth of it anyway...but do you ? Lord Jesus, give us sight


I am experimenting with some options for my writing. Welcome to the world of will be a learning experience !