Friday, August 13, 2010


Helmet… We just had Superbowl Sunday. If you know me very well, you will know I have issues with football. I’m not a big fan.

Today, I have to smile at God’s timing, He is so cool, so good at what He does. I’ve spent all this time reflecting on armor, the equipment He tells us to use… to defend ourselves against the very real attacks of our very real opposition. The last piece of protective armor is ‘the helmet of salvation.’

‘ …let us ..put on…the hope of salvation as a helmet.’ (1Thes. 5:8) ’Take the helmet of salvation…’ (Eph. 6:17) ‘ press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.’ (Phil. 3:14) …(listen to all this football language! Doesn’t God have a sense of humor?!).. ‘make it my goal to please Him’ (2 Cor. 5:9) ‘receiving the goal of my faith, the salvation of my soul..’ (1 Peter 1:9)

Let’s clear up our thinking about this hope thing though. Hope = ‘elpis’ in the original language of scripture and it means to anticipate with pleasure, to expect with confidence, desire something good with the expectation of obtaining it while not yet an actuality.

It is difficult to stay in a battle when there is no hope of victory. This is not a big ‘what if’. This is not an impossiblity. But ‘thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (1 Cor. 15:57)

Daily putting on this helmet of salvation protects my mind. This hope protects me when my understanding is being assaulted. The enemy wants me to have poor or no understanding, and he will twist truth so that I MISunderstand. He wants me to have poor judgment. He wants me to be confused and uncertain. He would have me live in fear and insecurity, or horribly misuse and misapply the grace that God has extended. But..

I have received… ‘the Spirit Who is from God’ (1Cor. 2:12) I have possession… ‘the promised Holy Spirit….gaurantees my inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession..’ (Eph. 1:13,14) HE is ‘the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him.’ (Heb.5:9)

The opposing side plays rough and dirty. I have protective gear to wear because the opposition wants to take me down any way possible. The helmet is a vital part.
It is crucial to protect my mind…and God Himself provides that protection.

I have possession, and I have the promises of God. I am assured victory. How about you? Are you on God’s team? Are you suited up?…protected with His gear, or relying on your own? Your apt to be injured without it. Are you in the game, or on the bench? He needs all players on the field, He really wants to run the scoreboard up. ‘..look at the fields, they are ripe for harvest.’(John 4:25)