Friday, August 13, 2010


shaken...I can't fathom the terror of the earth shaking beneath me. My mind knows the truth about this world, it does not offer security. He has told me in scripture that all created things are temporary and unsure. (Heb.12:27)Yet I realize that I place much confidence in them. The ‘real’ things are not the things I see and touch, the ‘real’ things are the things of God, the spiritual realities. He is unshakable.

I haven’t experienced an earthquake. Neither have I experienced the sudden loss of a spouse, or a child…or a fire destroying the place I call ‘home’… shaking the foundation of life here on this ball of dirt we call Earth. ….nor am I in physical battle against a cancer that threatens to shorten my stay. I hope those things are not in my future, but if they are, I want to walk thru them in unshakable trust that He holds my eternal future in His loving Hands. I would want others to see His love evidenced in me as I have seen it in all it’s glory displayed in the lives of those who DO walk thru these shakings hand in Hand with Him.

When shaking comes, only what can NOT be shaken remains. When the future is so unsure and loss is so great, a future built on Him remains steady and sure, even in the suffering and loss. “..since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe…” Hebrews 12:28

He is so good.