Thursday, November 1, 2012


When our boys were little, we hauled sand almost every year.  They loved to play in it, build roads, pile it into mountains, and dig lakes.  They were always frustrated because their lakes wouldn't hold water...

I've spent a lot of time on lake shores, but I had never spent much time on a beach before last summer.  We visited our son's family and made a day trip to the New Jersey shore. Miles before we arrived, I began to see sand.  The trees began to get smaller and scrubbier.

Standing on the edge of that massive body of water, my bare feet could almost feel the current of water pushing thru the sand.

Today, I am back visiting New Jersey.  But this time there will be no visit to the beach.  Instead, I am drawn to the news programs as they show the devastation of the recent monster storm, Hurricane Sandy.  The houses built on the sandy beaches have been washed away, their foundations of sand unable to withstand the power of the wind driven water.

I am reminded of the song we sang in Vacation Bible School when I was a child.

"The foolish man built his house upon the sand.....the rains came down...the house came crashing down...."

I don't mean to call those folks foolish. I don't presume to judge or criticize.  I would love living in one of those beach houses.  It is a beautiful place, a beautiful environment....but it is vulnerable.

Water pushes thru sand and sand moves with it.  It just does.
Sand washes away..  It just does.

My heart breaks for the devastation on those sandy beaches from hurricane Sandy.

 I purpose today to not build my life on what can be pushed and washed, or blown away by circumstances on this planet.  I purpose for my life to be lived on The Rock of ages....

"For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe in HIS dwelling, He will hide me in the shelter of HIS tabernacle, and set me high upon a rock."
( Psalm 27:5 )

And I thank Him again this morning for the safety we have enjoyed during hurricane Sandy, so close to those beautiful sandy beaches here in Tabernacle, New Jersey with our son and his family.

And I pray for all those who suffer and grieve as I sit here untouched.... God help them.