Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful 15....

I am thankful for purposes.

And I am especially thankful to understand a little of what mine is......

"...For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. .." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Who I am is not just an accident or a coincidence.  Certainly, who I have become is a product of the choices I have made.  Some of them wrong ones....

But God has created me with the possibility to choose an incredible life.  

God's truth is that when my life was first sparked, when it first began in my mother's womb... He assigned a plan for my life.  He knew who I would be, and what I could accomplish with His help and guidance. 

 He also knew what I would be without Him. And as from the very beginning, it is my choice to take that path, or devise my own.   

I am thankful that none of us are left to our own devices. We aren't just thrown into life without purpose. Neither are we without help and guidance. 

"But...... my people wouldn't listen to me.....wouldn't obey me...So I let them go their own stubborn way.  I let them follow their own sinful plans"(Ps. 81:11-12)
I too, follow my own plan from time to time.  (Hopefully not on purpose..!!) 

 Somewhere along the way, thru the struggles and wrong choices, I began to understand the purpose of my life.  It is a process. 

and an adventure....