Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful 2...

I am thankful for reasoning.

I think about the line from Forest Gump, "I am not a smart man..."  

I'm not the smartest or most educated person you know, but I can reason.  I can think about things and make sense of some things.  Certainly on some levels anyway.

Understanding the concept behind a matter makes a lot of difference.  Knowing the 'why' of doing something instead of just the 'how'.  In teaching hair cutting or hair coloring, I emphasized the laws of color and the principles of shape.

It does limited good to learn ONE haircut.  When you learn the principles behind the steps of that one design, when you learn why those steps have that particular end result....then you can use the principles in endless ways.

I think of dozens of examples...and I am reminded of one example that changed history.

Adam and Eve.

While I am thankful for my ability to think and reason, today I purpose to use that reasoning only within the parameters of God's design and His will.

When God says 'do' or 'do not', He says it because His reasoning is perfect.  I need not understand it or even try to reason it out for myself.  It is always always always in my best interest to simply obey and follow His reasoning and rest my own in the matter.

There are ample opportunities to exercise mine.....