Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful 7...

I am thankful for my citizenship. 

I was born in the state of Washington.  I am a citizen of the United States of America.

I was re-born in Jesus Christ.  I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. 


My hope is in Him.
He has changed my life.
He is still on His throne today.
I am still His child, a sheep of His pasture.
Nothing surprises Him.
Nothing robs Him of His power.
His will is accomplished.  In His time.


My faith is not in man.
My faith is not in government.
My faith is not in a nation.
My faith is not in an army.
My faith is not in a society.
My faith is not in religion.

My faith is in Elohim, Creator God Almighty.
My faith is in El Roi, the God Who sees me.  In every detail.
My faith is in El Olan, the everlasting and eternal God.  His Reign does not end.
My faith is in Jehovah Jireh, The Lord Who provides.
My faith is in Jehovah Nissi, and He is my banner.

My peace is provided by Jehovah Shalom, The Lord is peace.  There is no other true peace.
My security and rock is Jehovah Tsuri.  He is unchanging and stable.  There is no other stability.

Today, I am thankful to be a child of the King of glory.
Today, I am thankful to have an inheritance and home in His land of plenty.
Today, I am thankful to be protected and provided for in His kingdom.  I live there now.
