Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Entrance… You can’t get ‘in’, without one…

As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, this verse draws me.

“The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” (v. 130)

The truth here is profound.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist.

All you have to be is sincere. He fills in any deficiency.

I’ve heard people say they can’t understand the Bible, so they don’t read it. I’ve said it myself.

I didn’t understand it because it didn’t say anything I wanted to hear. I didn’t understand it because it clashed with my rationale. I didn’t understand it because it was not logical.

One thing I have learned, and I know that I know this….His Holy Spirit is capable and willing, even eager to teach. He teaches us where we are….super intelligent or simple. We don’t become scholars overnight, we become and remain students of His as long as there is a today.

Another thing I have learned, and I know that I know, God is not bound by my human logic. Or yours.

But when His Words enter our discussions and into our thoughts, when we truly consider what He has said, light bulbs will come on.

The problem with light is that the brighter it shines, the more dust and cobwebs you can see. And when it is God’s Light shining, we see where we don’t measure up, we miss being perfect and holy by a zillion miles…..

And we have a very real enemy poised to pounce and accuse.

Let Him give you light. He provides understanding to a heart that is undivided in its motive.

Read His Word.

And as you do, never forget that every word is overflowing with love for YOU. And every word is meant for your greater good. And mine…

Every word… Even to the point that “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us….” He stepped out of glory for you….into a dying body of flesh, even to the point of a horrible death He loved you…

Let His Word give you light….you may be surprised just how dark it is where you are.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do something....

Do something… Ever be in some life situation where you feel like somebody just needs to DO something? Waiting is not one of my virtues, I don’t do it easily.

Waiting while a hurricane named Irene crept up the east coast toward where our kids live was not an easy wait. But wait we did, and I couldn’t do a single thing. Even though my mind was screaming ‘Do something!!!’….I could not. Doing something is not always the right thing. Sometimes waiting IS the thing to 'do'.

There have been times that I answered that screaming from within to ‘do something’…only to wish I HAD just waited. The ‘something’ that I did….it was the wrong thing.

I complain to God quite often about his in-action. I want him to ‘DO something!!’

I want Him to do something about so many things.

I want Him to fix what I messed up.
I want Him to intervene in wrong behavior.
I want Him to stop corruption.
I want Him to withhold blessings from people I consider not worthy.
I want Him to punish those I judge guilty.
I want Him to make my life easier.

And as I sit this morning reflecting on Psalm 119 again, and I type out those words, I am so thankful that He isn’t at my command. I’d just mess some more stuff up and make my life far from easier. He is God. And I am not.

“Make sure that everything goes well with me….Help me to understand what is right….
LORD, it's time for you to act. People are breaking your law……I love your commands…I consider all of your rules to be right. So I hate every path that sinners take….”
(Psalm 119:22-28)

I identify with the Psalmist…. ‘me, me, me..’

I again and again go to Him to ask that everything go right with me. Usually after I have failed at taking care of it myself. I pray the hardest when it is a matter I am powerless to ‘do something’ about.

I too consider His rules to be right. He is the Creator. He engineered, designed, and produced all that is reality to me. Even my self.

I too detest the path of sin. I know it from choosing it. I learned from experience that He commands for very good reasons.

And I too say to Him, “Lord, ‘do something!!’…people are breaking Your law !!”

And I find myself so thankful that He waits for HIS time and only then does He ‘do something’.

I can be assured that it will be the best time and the best thing.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Storm… Webster calls it a rushing violent wind. A violent assault on a fortified place.

As I sit and watch a hurricane headed toward the east coast of the United States, threatening New York City, I wonder why we convince ourselves that we are fortified against a breeze, much less a storm.

It’s a lie.

“You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above..”(the words of Jesus as recorded in John 19:11)

We have no power that is not granted to us by The Hand that controls the nature He created.

I fully understand there is a science of air flow, pressures, cold and hot atmospheres….all of these things contribute to how these storms form and move. But that does not change the fact that it is God's science, He is The Scientist !

“For He spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves.
They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away.
They reeled and staggered like drunken men; they were at their wits' end.
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble…..” (Psalm 107:25-28)

Then...THEN they cried out to Him. Isn't that always the way it is with us?

Did He send this hurricane? Good question.

I know one thing without question. He can stop or control it. He speaks and it is. Period.

Will He? Obviously not. It is happening.

What will the response be?

It is during times of threat beyond our capacity to control that we historically turn to Him.

My prayer is for safety, especially for those I love. But I also pray that some person who has never really turned to Him, never felt a real need for Him…would seek Him in a new, more real, more honest, and more complete way than ever before.

“ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”(Jeremiah 29:13)

I pray that this storm will be used by God to prepare people for a new beginning, with HIM at the center. When He is center, the eye of any storm has no power to threaten us, can never take away the calm and peace of a heart inhabited by His Spirit.


Friday, August 26, 2011


Metal… What kind of metal are you made of?

When I was younger, I remember older people talking about someone’s character and use that phrase. ‘We’ll see what kind of metal he/she is made of’.

When the fire gets hot and the testing comes….you do indeed find out what kind of metal you are made of.

I don’t know a lot about metal working. I know that a new iron skillet is awful when it’s new…it needs to be heated and oiled, ‘seasoned’, before it is useful for cooking.

I know that silver has to be heated so that the ‘dross’ comes to the surface and is removed, leaving the silver pure and beautiful.

This morning as I continue my reading of Psalm 119, I come to this…

“All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross; therefore I love your statutes.
My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws.” (v. 119,120)

Dross is discarded.

I reflect back on my life and I can see times of heated testing, and can be thankful for those very painful times. Now. Certainly not then. Refining is not pleasant. But it is necessary.

My God is holy and perfect. Everything and every one else is just simply not. We fall so far short of perfection, and we are so incapable of fixing that problem.

I too find myself in awe of His law, of His perfection. I too tremble when I see my imperfect sinful self compared to His holiness.

“Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.
Uphold me, and I will be delivered.” (v. 16,17)

He is the only hope I have. His upholding me is my only chance of deliverance. “You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” (v. 114)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Dark… Walking around in the dark is dangerous. You can veer off of where you intend to walk. You never know what is there…could be a hole, something to trip over, a snake in the grass…..

It is wise to use a light. When you have light, you dispel darkness….you are able to see.

Scripture uses the concept of light/darkness often. As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, I come to one of my favorite verses. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (v. 105)

God’s Word, what He has said, is the light that reveals the dangers we encounter. When we use His Light, we are able to see those things and escape harm. We can see where we need to walk, avoid falling into a pit, tripping up, falling and getting hurt. We can avoid the snake lying ready to strike…..

And he is there.

Are you able to see?

I confess with the psalm writer. “I keep putting my life in danger.” And I purpose that
“I won't forget to obey your law.”(v.109)

What God says, He has very good reason for. There is a snake…

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Instructions… Do you read them first?

I admit it, I usually don’t. I arrogantly assume I will know how. But I will also confess…most of the time I end up going to the instructions.

We have been given instructions. How to live has instructions. How to have relationships, how to conduct business, how to deal with conflict, how to care for our bodies, maintain health, on and on and on the list goes… Instructions.

But we never have to read them.

Putting together something without using the instructions can be done. Sometimes we can get it put together pretty good. Other times it comes out all wrong. Sometimes it can be corrected. Other times we’ve damaged it in some way that leaves it warped and beyond repair.

So it is with our lives. We can opt to live it without going by the instructions, and sometimes get by without much damage.

But life is not an entertainment center. Regardless of how you try to make it one. And living it ignoring the instructions will eventually prove that fact. And eventually, it will be far from entertaining…

As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, I read these phrases… “Your commands make me wiser” (v.98) “ I have more insight..”(v.99) “I have more understanding..”(v.100)
“I gain understanding from your precepts.”(v.104)

Following the directions, (obedience),…. brings about wisdom. Knowledge alone doesn’t make us wise….only the application of knowledge (obedience).

Reading the directions is useless unless you put the entertainment center together like it says.

Father, help me to “..keep my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.”(v.101) Help me to remember and to believe, that what You say, You say for very good reasons, always and only for my greater good.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It is what it is....

It is what it is… I heard that phrase used the first time by my daughter-in-law.

She used it in the context of discussing something she didn’t like, but could not change. I’ve used the phrase many times myself since hearing it from her. Sometimes a bit flippantly, I admit. I am prone to excuse myself from situations without really putting forth the effort to bring about any change.

This morning as I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, I discover this in scripture ! “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” (vs. 89)

It is what It is. What God says, IS. His Word is spoken and settled. Not one single act of denial or rebellion changes that fact.

The problem is, it’s not settled on earth. Jesus prayed for that to come about, and taught His disciples to pray in that way. “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.” (Luke 11:2)

Like Eve, there is still a tree of knowledge that I can choose to eat from. Every moment of every day, I am faced with decisions and choices. I walk around that tree and examine the fruit, often hearing the enemy lies and sometimes falling for his deceptions. Every waking moment it is my place to settle it. My will, or His?

It is settled in heaven. It is spoken to me, here on earth.

How will I settle the matter today?

Father, “Your laws continue to this very day“(vs.91) Help me to “never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life”(vs.93) “I've learned that everything has its limits. But your commands are perfect. They are always there when I need them” (vs.96) Your Word….. It is what It is, forever. Let it be settled in my heart and manifested in my life. Today and every day…

Monday, August 22, 2011


Life… We have a heartbeat, we breathe, we move around…and we call it life.

We say ‘live it up!’ and do all sorts of things thinking that’s what we are doing….living it up. Yet the search is never ending. Where does it end….

I continue my study of Psalm 119 and identify with David’s words in verse 82. “My eyes grow tired looking for what you have promised”

I know what that feels like. Searching for that contentment, fulfillment, pleasure, purpose…call it what you like. It is endless....

Doing the do’s and not doing the don’ts. It is exhausting…

David also has the key in this section of his psalm.

“According to Your steadfast love give life to me; then I will keep the testimony of Your mouth” (Ps. 119:88 AMP)

Without being granted spiritual life from our Creator, we have a heartbeat, we breathe, we move around….and we wear ourselves out in efforts to find what He offers to provide.

Without the life that He in His steadfast love gives, we will never know how shallow and empty our so-called lives are. And we will never ever be able to line our lives up with a holy God and His Word.

Thank you that You have given life to me. Thank you Father for the power of Your Spirit, that enables me to follow You. “All your commands are trustworthy..”(vs.86) I want to simply believe what You say, and accept the help that you provide to me thru Your Spirit.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Addiction… It is rampant in our culture. Think you are immune?

You don’t have to have a drug problem to be an addict. It doesn’t have to be alcohol…or cigarettes, although those are some common ones.

I am addicted to caffeine. I like coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate.

While I don’t share the addiction to television, I fear I am addicted to my computer and cell phone.

I don’t have any addiction to drugs, neither prescription ones or illegal ones. I don’t frequent porn sites, and I am not a gambler.

The reason I can say most of that however, is not because of some special thing about myself. I have just stayed clear of those things, choosing instead not to take the chance on having a problem or becoming an addict.

I have seen addiction. I have seen its destruction. I have heard the justifications for them, the excuses, the blame-laying. But addictions aren’t anyone else’s fault. The circumstances may not be our personal choice, but our response to the situation is.

An addiction can be anything. When we desire a thing so much that we will do anything necessary to get it…that is an addiction.

And an addiction is idolatry. The addiction has become god.

“Do not run after other gods until your sandals are worn out and your throat is dry. But you said, 'It's no use! I love those gods. I must go after them.” (Jer. 2:25)

We go after all kinds of things. Compromising all kinds of things. Then all those things end up bringing us harm. The very things we have pursued and sacrificed our character and principles for become the opposite of what we were seeking. Instead of blessing us, they becomes a curse.

“….when you are in trouble, you say, "Come and save us!' So where are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them come when you are in trouble!” (Jer. 2:17,18)

When the curse comes down on our head, we have no choice but to see the truth. The addictions in our lives bring nothing but trouble and heartache.

Praise God that His desire to restore us never changes.

"Return to me. I will heal you.”(Jer. 3:22)


Saturday, August 20, 2011


Understand… Do you? Can you? How…..??

In reflecting on the next section of Psalm 119 I keep coming back to this one phrase from verse 73. “..give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.”

How is it that we come to ‘understand’? I can think of only these two ways…



When God issues a command, sometimes I fully understand why.

He says ‘don’t murder’ and I understand that if I murder, I have overstepped my own choices and enforced my will over another person, I am choosing FOR them…. to die, even if they choose to live.

That is wrong. It is not my choice. And wrong on many other levels.

God has said lots of ‘do’s and ‘do not’s that I understand with the logic that He has created in us.

Other things He has said, I have come to understand the same way Eve did. I found out for myself. Experience is a good teacher. I could list hundreds of lessons I’ve learned the hard way.

From all those hard lessons, I want most to learn and remember one thing… When God says something, there is a very good reason for it. I don’t have to understand it with my logic. I don’t have to experience it to know for sure. I can just take Him at His Word.

The Message puts that phrase very well. “… breathe Your wisdom over me so I can understand You”

He has done that for me time and time again. Given me His wisdom. “I can see now, GOD, that your decisions are right.” (vs.75)

He is right every single time about every single thing.

Logic or no logic.

Experience or no experience.

Lord, Help me not to choose to experience. Especially those things that Your directions intend for me to avoid. Help me to learn from Eve’s mistake and not to make the same ones. I want to simply trust, simply obey. Forgive me for depending on my own logic. It is so flawed.

“May my heart be without blame as I follow your orders. Then I won't be put to shame.”(vs.80)

Friday, August 19, 2011


Before… I was thinner, before. I had less wrinkles, before. I had more years ahead of me, before. Before today, I was younger….

On this day of my birth 56 years ago, I come to the section of verses 65-72 in my study of Psalm 119 . This passage speaks so much to me personally today, both in encouragement, and in reprimand. Some much too personal to share in an open forum….

I pray with David this morning, “LORD, be good to me as you have promised.
Increase my knowledge and give me good sense, because I believe in your commands…”

Good sense…. Notice how that phrase is followed with ‘because’and connected to more of the sentence? Where does good sense come from? Certainly not years…not necessarily !

One of the phrases you may hear me say is ‘young and ignorant’. The younger we are, the less life experiences we have, therefore…ignorance. You just can NOT know what you do not know.

Each year that passes, I again reflect on how ignorant I am….recognizing again just how little I know and understand.

God HAS blessed me with knowledge and understanding, for I know and understand so much more than I did at one time.

Yet as I grow older I am faced with the reality of how powerless we really are, how utterly helpless to control any single thing except our OWN choices. And those are difficult…

I believe the wisdom that age brings is this very thing…being wise enough to know how ignorant you really are.

I have many flaws, many wrong thoughts, many wrong motive. I have made many wrong choices. I have caused suffering, and I have suffered.

I regret causing pain. And while I do not like pain, the suffering I have personally experienced has brought me much good. “Before I went through suffering, I went down the wrong path. But now I obey your word…….It was good for me to suffer. That's what helped me to understand your orders. ” (vs.67,71)

How thankful I am for His forgiveness, and that He doesn’t leave me to my own resources.

Father, help me to follow Your way with every part of me….nothing held back, never in my own effort, but always and only depending on You to orchestrate my life. Help me trust You more completely.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Lifestyle… I recall they made a television show about the lifestyles of the ‘rich and famous’….

I’m not rich and famous, so I don’t have a lifestyle like was portrayed on that show. Our house is fairly small and quite plain. But it is ours. We don’t have those fancy cars, but ours are dependable and comfortable.

Then again, what is the measuring stick for fancy? Pricetag? Seems in our culture, we measure most everything by it’s price tag…

I am not famous, then again, I am important to the God of the universe, so important that He came down to rescue me.

I am not rich, then again, I have never known hunger, never been without clothing, never without a home and safe transportation.

Maybe I am rich and famous after all….

This morning, as I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, I am drawn to verse 59.

“I have thought about the way I live……”

It is a good thing to honestly reflect on the way we live.

Honestly….oh boy, that’s the kicker. It is not easy to be honest with ourselves, it is tempting and so easy to rationalize our wrong attitudes and decisions.

After all, our own heart will trick us….scripture warns that it is deceitful. (Jer.17:9) (…so ‘following your heart’ isn’t such a good idea always!)

How do I live?

Do I put others needs before my own? Whose rules of engagement do I follow? Do I make up the rules to suit myself, making them up as I go, to benefit me?

Who/what determines how I use the money I have? Do I spend my money to bless others or only myself? Do I use my money to manipulate? Do I put my own price tags on? Do I use my money in effort to pay off my other bad behavior?

“….I have decided to follow your covenant laws.” (Ps.119:59b)

Lord God help me to let You be the boss today. YOU be the Commander in chief, YOU be the decision maker, and help me to bend my stubborn prideful will to Yours. Your way is always right and best. I have learned that so painfully, and forget it so easily….

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Horrified…. I was warned that I would be. I was…

Yesterday I made it my business to find out what all the hoopla is about a certain reality show. I don’t watch much television programming, especially the craze of reality shows, I already have enough reality to suit me thank- you-very-much. Besides, it should really be called exaggerated reality. Surely people don’t really live and act like that….

Or do they?

I am far from perfect. So very far.. But God help me to never accept the flaws, help me to continue to be a better person, more like You. Especially help me to never embrace the flaws, never allow me to celebrate the imperfections….allow me no joy in that.

As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, verse 53 from the next section stood spoke to me in my horrified state…. “Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.”

What little I saw was offensive to me, but that’s not the deal.

The deal is that so many people live an absolute Godless life. They revel in it. And have no idea how miserable they really are…

It reminds me of the years I suffered before having surgery to remove diseased female organs. I had absolutely no idea how sick I was, how awful I felt all the time, because it was my normal. I didn’t know anything else…ever. When it was removed and I began to get healthier, I was horrified that I suffered so much for so long. (Thank You God for hysterectomies!)

People without God have no idea how sick they are. And tragically, the symptoms of sin sickness lead to an eternal death.

People are without God simply because they choose to not know Him. And He is the most amazing, awesome Person….

He knows every thing…has every thing…can do every thing…

Why are there so many people who are not the least bit interested?

“….. people have turned away from your law. No matter where I live, I sing about your orders. LORD, during the night I remember who you are. That's why I keep your law.
I have really done my best to obey your rules.” (Psalm 119:53-56NIrV)

I want always to remember Who You are. Help me that no matter where I am I will remember Your Presence with me. You see and hear every thought, every word, every act. And You want only the best for me. Always and only the very best….

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Then…. Webster says, ‘next in order of time’ . Reading that definition, I think of that cliché’ ‘First things first’..…

So often we get last things first.

Reflecting on verses 41-48 of Psalm 119, I am impressed with the order that should be in place in our lives. Knowing and understanding the love of God is paramount. THAT is the first thing….and sadly, I think there are a whole lot of people who don’t have a clue about the love of our Creator.

God’s love, His promises, the salvation He provides, then the ‘then’….

“May your unfailing love come to me, LORD, your salvation, according to your promise;
then I can answer anyone who taunts me, for I trust in your word. (Psalm 119:41-42)

I am convinced that once we are secure in the love of God, trusting completely that what He says is always and only good and best, our will changes, our ‘want-to’ changes…

It makes absolutely no sense in the world’s way of thinking, but the free-est freedom we can experience is obedience to God.

Again I pray with David…I pray that I put first things first. Always…

“Let your love, GOD, shape my life with salvation, exactly as you promised;
THEN, I'll be able to stand up to mockery because I trusted your Word….your commandments are what I depend on.

I'll guard with my life what you've revealed to me…And I'll stride freely through wide open spaces as I look for your truth and your wisdom; Then I'll tell the world what I find, speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed.

I cherish your commandments--oh, how I love them!--
relishing every fragment of your counsel.” (Ps. 119:41-48 The Message)

First things first…..


Monday, August 15, 2011


Priorities… It is so easy to get them wrong. Why do we so often put value on something worthless…

Reflecting on the fifth section of Psalm 119, I am drawn to verse 37, “Turn my eyes away from things that are worthless….keep me alive as You have promised.”

It is difficult to keep priorities in order. It is easy to be deceived and believe a lie about the worth of some ‘thing’.

We mistakenly think that in ‘things’ we secure ourselves somehow.…then the enemy comes with accusations, pointing out the mistakes and the foolishness, urging us in some new direction where he tells us that security might be found.

The enemy of our souls would have us continue to seek fulfillment and life down those empty paths he points out. Paths that take us in the opposite direction of God and true life.

In the words of this Psalm, David prays for divine perspective and divine restraint.

Tonight, I also pray for those.

I pray that my eyes do not look upon worthless things and believe them to have more value than they do.

I pray that the habits and manners of my life do not divert or detour me from the life God intends for me.

Father, I pray that in YOUR way, You will give me life, and empower me to see the richness of it. And I thank You for the magnificent wealth of my now….

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Worn out...

Worn out… Tired. Old and tired….

I say it jokingly almost daily….that I’m old and tired. It becomes more true all the time !

Reflecting on verses 25-32 of Psalm 119, I am drawn to verse 28... “My sadness has worn me out. Give me strength as you have promised.”

On nights like this when sleep leaves too soon, I am left to be awake with my thoughts, and my mind is sometimes assaulted by those nasty flaming arrows of the Accuser. Liar that he is… ‘You should have…’ ‘You could have…’ ‘You didn’t…’ ‘You’ll never…’

My sadness wears me out. Father, give me strength as You have promised.

I recognize them sooner that I once did, but the accusations and lies of the enemy still sting.

Praise God I do recognize them, and that I have learned that although ‘.. I do live in the world…. I don't fight my battles the way the people of the world do. The weapons I fight with are not the weapons the world uses. In fact, it is just the opposite. My weapons have the power of God to destroy the camps of the enemy. I destroy every claim and every reason that keeps people from knowing God. I keep every thought under control in order to make it obey Christ. (2Cor. 10:3-5 NIrV)

“I have chosen to be faithful to you. I put my trust in your laws.” (Ps. 119:30NIrV)

“I'll run the course you lay out for me if you'll just show me how”
(Psalm 119:32 The Message)

And He will….

“I have put myself under God's mighty hand….I turn all my worries over to Him. He cares about me….. He always gives me all the grace I need. So I will only have to suffer for a little while. Then God Himself will build me up again. He will make me strong and steady…” (1Peter 5:6,10NIrV personalized for me, by me)


Saturday, August 13, 2011


Truth… There is absolute truth. You might believe a devil’s lie, you might be deceived, you may question it…but nothing changes truth. Who gets to define what truth it?…..

God. Absolutely.

It has been demonstrated to humanity that we are subject to believing lies, prone to try to over-rule truth, making it what we decide it should be. But all those efforts are useless…and thinking we have prevailed in it will eventually be obvious to us. Painfully obvious. We do well to admit our foolishness and rebellion sooner rather than later….

In my study of Psalm 119, in the third section of 8 verses, I am drawn to verse 18.…

“Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law.”

Eve was deceived and believed a lie. I do not want to be like my mother Eve.

“Your covenant laws are my delight. They give me wise advice.”(verse 24) Truth is hard sometimes. Truth about myself is often very hard. And very ugly… certainly not delightful.

I am thankful to have come to know Jesus well enough that even when He shows me hard ugly things, I hear Him speak with a Voice of love and not condemnation.

I know that He is not mean and nasty…I know that what He says IS true, and that He wants only what is good and better for me.

But I do not forget that what He says is truth. Whether I like it, or whether I don’t. Whether I choose to make my decisions accordingly, or whether I try to re-define it.

What He says, IS.


Lord, open my eyes and make me see the wisdom of what you say. Help me to see the folly of ignoring or refusing truth…..

Friday, August 12, 2011


Pure…Webster says unmixed. Separated from every other thing…

What is pure….

and more importantly, who is pure? Are you?…..

I tried. And although I don’t have some of the stains of impurity that somebody else may have, there are stains.

The second section of 8 verses in Psalm 119 address the issue of personal purity.

“How can a young person keep his life pure?….By living in keeping with Your word.

I trust in You with all my heart. Don't let me wander away from Your commands. I have hidden Your word in my heart so that I won't sin against You.

LORD, I give praise to You. Teach me Your orders. With my lips I talk about all of the decisions You have made.

Following Your covenant laws gives me joy just as great riches give joy to others.

I spend time thinking about Your rules. I consider how You want me to live.
I take delight in Your orders. I won't fail to obey Your word.”
(Psalm 119:9-16NIrV)

Purity is important to God. He calls us to be pure. And at the same time, He knows that since the catastrophe of the garden, it is impossible. Impossible without His intervention.

ONLY by His Word can a young person (OR an old person) have a pure life. Only by knowing WHAT He has said can we act on it and DO what He has said.

There is power in the Words uttered from His Mouth, power in the Word that is so readily available to us in written form. But it won’t leap off the page by itself. We still have that same liberty of choosing.

“Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin"? (Proverbs 20:9)

Certainly not me.

Praise God that He also said, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1John 1:9)

Choose today to spend time thinking about what He has said

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Regret… Remember as a child, while playing some game, you could call for a ‘do-over’ when something went wrong? Wouldn’t it be great if we could ‘do-over’ those things in our adult lives that we regret?

I’m reflecting on the first 8 verses of the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119. Here it is from The Message version. I have personalized it.

“I am blessed when I stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by GOD. I am blessed when I follow His directions, doing my best to find Him.
That's right--not going off on my own; but walking straight along the road He set.

You, GOD, prescribed the right way to live; now You expect us to live it.

Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course You set; Then I'd never have any regrets in comparing my life with Your counsel.

I thank You for speaking straight from Your heart; I learn the pattern of Your righteous ways.

I'm going to do what You tell me to do; don't ever walk off and leave me.”

There are many things I regret. A number of them are not things I did that I wish I had not…but things I did not do, things I did poorly, effort I did not put forth.

Some of the things I regret are the impulses and reactions that were birthed out of my own fear and insecurity. My lack of faith…

Living without regret is only possible one way…keeping our steps on the course that is set…walking in ‘The Way’…comparing our lives to His.

It is just simply fact… God designed. God created. Trying to manipulate what He has engineered and use it in a way He never intended just causes problems. And regret.

Each morning, I make an effort to submit my will to His. Again. ‘I’m going to do what YOU tell me to do….’

I am so encouraged to find the rest of that sentence this morning….’don’t ever walk off and leave me.’ And I am comforted even more to remember the very words of my Savior, Jesus the Christ….

“…you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end." (Matt.28:20)

He IS doing it over…..“You have started living a new life. It is being made new so that what you know has the Creator's likeness.” (Col 3:10)


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Necessessity…… What is on your list of necessary things? Vehicle? Computer? Cell phone?

What IS necessary really? Certainly not those things.

We have to have food. And water.

I’ve been praying for rain for a couple weeks, ending my request with ‘in Your time’. I know that God knows how long it has been since raindrops have fallen on my head. (…and on my yard.)

Perhaps I was being a bit pious when I added that phrase to my prayer. I did not expect Him to wait this long. I expected a ‘yes’ to my prayer by now… Since it has not come, I struggle now with really submitting to His time.

Last night, as I held the water hose in my hand, pouring out water onto parched plants and flowers, I was complaining again to God about my desire for water to fall from the sky. My complaint was answered with ‘…look how available water is to you !’

No, He hasn’t sent rain yet, but He has provided the necessary water for me, and even an abundance to pour out on plants that aren’t necessary… flowers aren’t the food that goes on my table. (…and I also have more than the necessary food supply required.)

My necessity of water is readily available. But in this relatively small matter, my faith is challenged and stretched. How sad… I hear Jesus’ words in Luke 12…

“Connie, consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you Connie, O you of little faith!” (personalized by me, FOR me)

“He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas;
He brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers.
But they continued to sin against Him, rebelling in the desert against the Most High.
They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food they craved. They spoke against God saying, "Can God put food on a table in the desert?” (Ps. 78: 15-19NIrV)

Lord forgive me for such mumbling and complaining. I must sound just like your people in the wilderness with Moses. And thank You for the abundance of water and food that are so readily available to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hell….it’s a hot topic. (Pun intended.)

There seems to be a stir in the Christian community about the reality of hell. There have been books written, some prominent teachers speaking against it’s reality. I don’t know why we are so shocked….most of us have lived our lives like it doesn’t exist….

The reality of hell I suppose is important, yet I don’t spend a lot of time trying to convince people of it, and even less personal time thinking about it. But, there was a long period of my life that I did, and I considered it just the less attractive of the two choice.

There was a time that heaven didn’t lure me. I didn’t really yearn to live there eternally. God was there. And He was scary.

But the devil was in hell, and he was scarier. Plus….it was hot and painful there. (I pause to praise Him right now, thank You Lord, for that is no longer true.)

I don’t think about hell much now, and I realize that I don’t try to convince folks they need to find ‘the way’ to stay out of it. (…and there is only one way.)

I do think about our Creator Father a lot, and I do try to convince folks to come to know Him. Not just an ‘out’ for hell, but because of Who He is. He is I AM…

Maybe I need to revisit my thoughts about hell. Maybe people need to be freshly warned about its reality and finality.

Jesus spoke of hell many times. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matt. 10:28) Obviously, it is real, and it is NOT good, it is NOT where He will be…..

For me, that is all I need to know, I don’t want a closer look, don’t really care for more information…. Just thankful for a way of escape. (Again, I pause to praise Him and thank Him for salvation…)

Then again, I’ve already heard many a hell-fire-and-brimstone sermon in my youth. Maybe I would never love my Father as I do, had I not been forced to look into the reality of the fires of hell.

“Fear-of-GOD is a school in skilled living-- first you learn humility, then you experience glory.”(Prov. 15:33 The Message) "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”(Prov. 9:10) Fear kept me from doing many unwise things, and brought about true knowledge of and love for The Holy One.

What about you? What do you know about our God? Where do you want to live out eternity? Do you really want to live in His Presence when this realm of life is over? Or do you just not like the other choice? If that be the case, you have chosen…God help you.

There have always been two choices…good and evil. And God has always allowed us to choose. “…as for me …..I will serve the LORD." (Josh. 24:15 personalized by me)

Both choices are very real. They will one day be final. Eternally….

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Exhausted… Someone I love is really exhausted tonight. Too many long hot hours, not enough sleep. I pray that he makes it safely back home at the end of the work shift, safely to his bed for a long and thorough time of rest.

I’ll likely be exhausted myself in a few hours. Sleep seems to elude me tonight. I slept soundly until 2:00. Tried twice to snuggle down and drift off again. Not happening…

I’ve considered how exhausted many people have been these last weeks, those who work all day in this unusually hot summer. Exhausted. They must be so very exhausted. The heat seems to suck all of the energy from a person.

There is satisfaction in being tired from a good day’s work. The reward we see in what we have accomplished (and the paycheck we cash!)

I have been really tired a lot of times. But I’ve never known exhaustion like the spiritual exhaustion I struggled with for years. I worked and worked, yet seemed to get no where. I wanted to quit, but felt obligated to keep on and on…trying, harder and harder.

I did quit eventually. I just said, Lord, I can’t do it. I am sorry. But I just can’t ‘do’ all ‘do’s and I end up ‘doing’ the ‘don’t’s. So….I give up.

It was the turning point in my life.

And I’m in good company with the dilemma I was in.

“What I don't understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise.

So if I can't be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God's command is necessary.

But I need something more!

For if I know the law but still can't keep it…

and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don't have what it takes.

I can will it, but I can't do it.

I decide to do good, but I don't really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway.

My decisions, such as they are, don't result in actions.

Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. It happens so regularly that it's predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up.

I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.

I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?

The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.”

(The apostle Paul’s words, Romans 7:16-25 from The Message)

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (The words of Jesus, Matt. 11:28-30 from The Message)

Hallelujah. I found that peace ‘which passeth all understanding’ (Phil. 4:7)

Thank You Lord…..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Cool….. I have a new appreciation for it.

I have often thought about what it might have been like to have lived in The Garden.

Tending it would have been pleasant, before the ground was cursed, “…through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground…”(Gen. 3:18,19)

Life in The Garden was perfect in the beginning. Everything was provided and readily available…..everything except the fruit of that one tree, the one that brought knowledge of good AND evil. It was the only thing off limits.

It was a great life in The Garden, in the company of Creator God Himself. And it was cool…when He came to visit, it was cool.

“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” (Genesis 3:8)

Cool of the day….humm. I haven’t felt that in quite some time !! Or cool of the night for that matter !

God has repeatedly provided protection from the heat of the sun.

He provided a shade vine for Jonah, even though Jonah had disobeyed. “…the LORD God sent a vine and made it grow up over Jonah. It gave him more shade for his head. It made him more comfortable. Jonah was very happy he had the vine.” (Jonah 4:6)

He provided protection from the sun beating down on a tribe of people traveling in a desert. “God spread a cloud to keep them cool through the day” (Ps. 105:39)

I have a house with air conditioning that keeps me about 20 degrees cooler than the temperature outside. I have plenty of water, enough even to water some of the flowers and plants I enjoy. He provided me a shade in a giant sweet gum tree in my back yard…

Even though I too disobey Him at times..…

I will to walk with Him in the cool of the day.

I will to walk with Him in the heat of the mid-day sun.

I purpose in my heart to walk with Him, right behind Him, in His steps.

Even and especially when it is not easy and not popular.

Cool or not…


Shade… I have a new and deeper appreciation for it….

Never in my lifetime do I remember such intense heat. Maybe it’s been this hot and dry before….maybe I’m just old and soft now.

I have always loved sitting in the deep shade of the sweet gum tree in my back yard. I prune the limbs each year so that the limbs make an umbrella around where my swing and chairs sit. We have bird feeders and squirrel feeders, a bird bath…invitations to share our shade.

When the hot sun beats down with intense heat, we look for something to put between it and us. We look for something to make a shadow for us to stand in, away from the direct sun light.

When life beats down with it’s own intensity, we again look for relief and escape.
Where do you go?

“…….LORD, you are my God. I will honor you. I will praise your name. You have been perfectly faithful. You have done wonderful things. …..You have been a place to hide when storms came. You have been a shade from the heat of the sun….” (Isa. 25:1,4)

“I look up to the hills. Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.
He won't let my foot slip. He who watches over me won't get tired.
In fact, he who watches over me won't get tired or go to sleep.
The LORD watches over me. The LORD is like a shade tree at my right hand.
The sun won't harm me during the day. The moon won't harm me during the night.
The LORD will keep me from every kind of harm. He will watch over my life.
The LORD will watch over my life no matter where I go, both now and forever.”1 (Ps. 121:2-8 personalized by me )

Think you’ve been left out? Is the heat on? Can you not find the comfort of shade from the intense circumstances of your life?

Maybe this phrase I left out of verse one is the key….….“ A song for those who go up to worship the LORD.”

Do you only want the shade? Or do you enjoy and value the Maker of it?

Do you seek His Face? Or only the blessing of His Hand?

“God is serious business, take him seriously; He's put the earth in place and it's not moving. So let heaven rejoice, let earth be jubilant, and pass the word among the nations, "GOD reigns!"(1Ch. 16:30,31 The Message)

“For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all gods.
(1 Ch. 16:25NIV)

Monday, August 1, 2011


Love…Is it a feeling? Is it an emotion? Can it be achieved? Or is it super-natural zap from a little red cupid arrow?

What does it mean to love?

I read a line in a fictional story about a real person, Bathsheba. Speaking of the husband her father had chosen for her, ‘…I will show him the respect and obedience he deserves. But love cannot be commanded.” (Rivers, Francine (2009-01-10). A Lineage of Grace (p. 316). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition. )

Love can not be commanded? Hummm….tell that to Jesus.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34)

The problem arises from our definition of the word. What do you consider love to BE?

Does it accompany physical attraction?

Jesus was NOT loved because of his physical attractiveness, regardless of how many pictures of a good looking man you see…..scripture is plain, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. (Isa. 53:2)

I fear that in our culture, we misuse and overuse the word love. We say it quickly. We use it easily. And we forget we even say it….and something so easily forgotten can not be love.