Thursday, August 25, 2011


Dark… Walking around in the dark is dangerous. You can veer off of where you intend to walk. You never know what is there…could be a hole, something to trip over, a snake in the grass…..

It is wise to use a light. When you have light, you dispel darkness….you are able to see.

Scripture uses the concept of light/darkness often. As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, I come to one of my favorite verses. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (v. 105)

God’s Word, what He has said, is the light that reveals the dangers we encounter. When we use His Light, we are able to see those things and escape harm. We can see where we need to walk, avoid falling into a pit, tripping up, falling and getting hurt. We can avoid the snake lying ready to strike…..

And he is there.

Are you able to see?

I confess with the psalm writer. “I keep putting my life in danger.” And I purpose that
“I won't forget to obey your law.”(v.109)

What God says, He has very good reason for. There is a snake…