Saturday, March 6, 2010


Striving.. My definition without study… ‘trying really hard’. What think ye?

Yesterday, strife was revealed to me in both positive and negative ways. Now don’t misunderstand…I’m not one to stir up a conflict and battle with words. If anything, I’m prone to do the opposite…shut down and shut up. Not a good choice either sometimes, communication is vital in relationships. But there is strife within me, all of it not bad.

I think there is a spiritual striving that is vital in the heart of every Christian. The battle against the enemy is ongoing. He is defeated, for Jesus DID die, and DID come out of the tomb alive and DOES live still….and because of that truth, there is no ultimate victory to be had for the enemy of those in Christ. But the skirmishes go on and the enemy can inflict some pain and injury to us while here and in this flesh. He is the cause of much strife.

“In your striving against sin…” (Hebrews 12:4)

So…!!!!….there IS a striving against it, … else we may very well be surrendered TO it. Whether it is sin of any sort, or whether it is the Holy Spirit of God, the decision is mine to make.

I am either surrendered to God and His agenda for my life (not my own selfish scheme to position myself like I desire) ….or I am striving against Him in His will for my life and the purposes for which I am created.

I want to be co-operating With Him, thru the power of His Holy Spirit, (….not my own will-power and ability to perform). And I want to always be in a spiritual striving against the very real ‘spiritual forces of evil’ (Eph. 6:12) ….or I’m buying into the lies of the enemy. ‘…the devil…was a murderer from the beginning…he is a liar and the father of lies.’ (John 8:44)

‘….they……going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.’ (Romans 10:3)

‘…‘Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness..’(Matt. 6:33)

It’s the same story ….choosing. And there will always be times of spiritual strife…thank You Father for Your Help, Your Presence, and Your Power thru Your Holy Spirit.

And thank You Lord, that you never give up on me…