Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Shame… Ever been told ‘Shame on you!’ ?? Guess who I believe started that?

Until evil came onto the scene in the garden, when there was no knowledge of evil brought on the Adam and Eve’s choice, there was no shame.

‘They were both naked ..and were not ashamed.’ (Gen. 2:25) As I’ve heard it said, ‘it is what it is’….they were just as they were. Then the wrong choice was made…and shame began. ‘…because I was naked, I was afraid and I hid myself.’ I love God’s reply… ‘Who said?’ (Genesis 3:10-11 my paraphrase)

Shame was introduced by the realm of evil. It’s a dreadful weapon that is used against us still. God had walked with them in the garden, just as they were…. He had never shamed them.

Don’t lets get shame and remorse, repentance, regret, disappointment, sorrow, or guilt confused. Shame carries with it a desire to hide or cover up. In fact, I believe it is an enemy of repentance. We may have remorse for something, regret it…be sorry about it…be guilty of it….but hiding or trying to excuse it is only a devil’s lie. God knows it anyway. Our hiding only keeps us in our shameful state.

‘The Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’ (Gen. 3:9) He still calls. I believe without a doubt that God knew where Adam was and why he was there. I think God calls us to answer Him so that we must face our circumstance, own our poor choices, and confess them to Him. Only then can He restore us and remove our guilt. ‘Wash me and I will be whiter than snow..’ (Ps. 51:7)

It’s a whole other issue to accept that cleansing. There again the enemy will lie.. ‘you don’t deserve…’ ‘God won’t do that for YOU…’ ‘you aren’t _____________ enough’ (you fill in the blank with whatever that demon uses against you…smart, pretty, handsome, worthy, brave, good, kind, patient, healthy, strong, or a million other things….)

As long as we hide and make excuses…well, de-Nile (denial) ain’t just a river… You may be hiding, but you’re not hiding from God, and you’re hiding WITH what you are ashamed OF.

What thing is in that blank? What is it you are hiding with?