Friday, March 12, 2010


Decide.. Whether we think about it or not, we make decisions every moment of every day. A lot of them make no big impact…but a lot of the choices we make will change the course of our lives and the lives of others. It is important that we make those choices with our mind in gear and our hearts open to what the Spirit speaks before we decide…

My decision to allow the other car to have the parking space might alter that person’s attitude just enough to stop them from lashing out in frustration at a poor clerk, or worse …an innocent child .

My decision to tough it out in a difficult relationship may end up being a key element in the work that God is doing in that life.

My decision to take a firm stand and speak truth when it isn’t easy or comfortable may be a necessary element in waking someone up to the absolute truth of God’s Word being THE measure of all behavior.

How we decide is important, and even more important is the ‘how’ we follow thru as we act on our decision. ‘God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love…’ (Eph. 4:15 The Message) ‘..conduct yourselves in love’ (2John 1:6 The Message)

I am instructed to do ALL that I do… in love. I have found that the hard decisions I make are easier carried out in anger and frustration, or even worse…in judgment. I have a clear revelation of truth in scripture, and I can make decisions accordingly, yet I am not the one to carry out the sentence. ‘..for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.’ (James 1:20 NIV)

God sets the standard that I endeavor to live by…and God is the one to issue punishment….not me. Don’t let’s get punishment and discipline confused…nor the elements of right and wrong, nor love and hate.

All of us need discipline, and God, being our Perfect Father, disciplines us….punishment will come, but only to those who refuse Him, His love, and His Son. And even then…not because of hate, but because He gave us our will and honors our choice, and all of us bear consequences of our poor choices.

He has gone to such great measure to help us really understand the options before we decide…. Life or death. Good or evil. ‘….choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….as for me….I will serve the Lord.’ (Joshua 24:15)

How very tragic that so many do not know what they are really choosing when the moment comes to decide….