Friday, April 23, 2010


Stretch… In the verb form, it is to spread, to be extended without breaking…

There are times I’ve felt stretched so thin that I would indeed break. I have even had pity parties about it…invited others to the party to pity me, pity with me…and if I got no takers, I’d just go alone to the party.

We are all stretched. Mothers are stretched with responsibilities of the home, cooking, cleaning, homework, laundry, grocery shopping… Men and fathers are stretched to be the bread-winner, shoulder the responsibilities of maintaining the home and rearing children. Stretching in our workplace…whatever your role is, there are times of stretching.

The enemy will present escapes for those times. He is lying about them, but they may seem like a good idea at the time. People turn their backs on spouses, leaving, buying into the lie that there is no stretching in some other relationship. Greener pastures must be mowed as well. Sometimes, even more so ! People turn to alcohol and drugs. Partying or gambling…the list could go on and on. What might you add to it?

“…God will never let you down. He’ll never let you be pushed past your limit…He’ll always be there to help you come through it.” (1Cor. 10:13 The Message)

We have all heard that. It’s repeated so often that it sounds like an old cliché. But most of the time I hear it quoted, what I believe is the most important teaching in this verse is overlooked or omitted.

“HE provides a way out…” ( v.13 NIV)

Never will we be stretched in a way that we cannot bear it with His Help. Never… He is GOD ! This teaches us that when those times come, it is true that we can bear them…WITH HIM, with His help !! Not just alone, but with Him…

There IS a limit to our power. There IS a place where we can not stretch any further. When that time comes, when we feel like we are going to snap…He is there, and He is able. The question always is…do we ask? And when we ask, do we accept His answer and the provisions He makes? Do we follow the instructions He gives us in those times?

I confess, I don’t always. Often, I’m so involved in my pity party I am not listening. But He waits til I’m thru whining…after I’ve stretched to my limit and found out I can go no further. Then I sit and listen..when I’ve exhausted all other avenues…

What an insult to Him.

Father forgive me. Help me to seek YOUR counsel first. Help me to tune my ears to hear YOU…and give me a heart to trust what You say. You are always right. Even when the accuser comes against Your Word…he lies…for You are always right. Always…