Friday, April 9, 2010


Row… Did you ever hear someone say ‘That’s a hard row to hoe.”? I remember as a kid hearing older people saying that and I remember thinking they were saying ‘road’….It didn’t make a bit of sense to me then….

Hoeing is hard period. I avoid it. I bought a garden tiller to do most of that for me. I am thankful for machinery! But the principle behind that old saying is the same even with a garden tiller.

When you start down a row, if it’s not straight, it is very difficult. You can’t turn around in the middle of a row, you have to go on thru it, even if for some reason you decide you don’t want to. Once you undertake a row, you’re committed to finishing it, or destroying it trying to get out of it.

I don’t like that truth. I’ve started down some rows that got very hard to hoe…and really wanted out.

“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (spoken by Jesus in Luke 9:62)

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised… my righteous one will live by faith…” (Hebrews 10:35-36, 38)

That settles it. This row is hard. But He asks me to be completely committed, not half-hearted….and to finish it.