Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Re-start.. Seems like every time I get in the very middle of something on this computer, it has downloaded upgrades and needs to ‘re-start’…

I’ve wondered what all that upgrade stuff is about, if it’s really necessary. Sometimes I liked things better the old way, before the so called improvements. When things work and fill my needs and requirements, why change it? If it ain’t broke…don’t fix it ! The downloaded upgrades are bad enough, but then I have to stop what I’m doing and let this thing turn itself off and back on.

Then this morning, I was reading over some things I had written a while back, and I realize…there’s an upgrade ! New information.

God will never get through with me. (..or you..) There will be regular upgrades. But we can refuse to download them…and we can refuse to install them…and we can refuse to re-start.

The data that is downloaded onto this computer is useless until it is installed into the brain of this machine. And even then, until the machine is turned off and starts up again, the data just sits somewhere inside the technological mind, doing no good, making no difference.

So what kind of downloads are available? Scripture spills over with truths that are current to my situation and circumstance…‘now‘. And tomorrow, there will be truths that are current for that ‘now’. And next month, next year…every ‘now’ that I walk on this earth in this body there will be truths that are current for that ‘now’.

Just because you may have read the Bible doesn’t mean a thing. The scripture you read for that ‘now’…is not necessarily the scripture for this ‘now’. Every time I open my Bible, seems as if some phrase or concept will leap off the page and I wonder… ‘surely that hasn’t been there…how could I have missed this?’

The truth contained in scripture is ‘living and active. penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow…it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’ (Heb. 4:12) It will never need upgrades, it is complete.

It is US who need upgrades. ‘Study to show yourself approved to God….’ It is us who need to install them.. ‘correctly handling the word of truth.’ (2 Tim. 2:15 KJV, NIV)

I have learned with previous computers that when I don’t keep up to date, it causes problems later on that take more than the few minutes required to install and re-start. I don’t want to live my life like that….want to stay current with the God of the universe.

So…I’m re-starting this morning. Got an upgrade yesterday, installed it, and I’m operating with new attitudes and motives today. He is ALWAYS current…