Monday, May 17, 2010


Harvest…. I’m looking forward to it already. The tiny little plants are promising…

There are a few blooms on some of the plants…yet another promise. The ground was properly prepared, tilled and rid of clumps of grass. Rain came at a perfect time, releasing the fertilizer into the soil and providing the moisture necessary for germination. Seeds were planted and have pushed up thru the soil with amazing speed.

Life. The process is amazing.

There will be a harvest. I want to be prepared and ready. Pea sheller…check. Jars and lids…check. Freezer space…check Freezer bags…woops…Even though there is a lot yet to happen before that time, I want to be ready. (better buy more freezer bags ! )

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” (Luke 10:2) What is your role in that? Do you realize you are in the middle of His field? There may be soil ready for a seed to be planted. It may be time to pluck out a weed that threatens to choke out the life of a seedling. There may be a need for watering.

There IS a plentiful harvest, whether you think so or not…whether you see it with your eyes or not. Take the time element out, God is not limited by time…the harvest is there. He sees beginning to end, it is you and I that think within time limits.

It’s not time to pick peas. But I have, and expect to again.

I may not witness a changed life today. But I have…. Praise God !!… and expect to again.

I dedicate my skills and abilities to Him, (parable of the talents, Mat.25).
I am dependant on His ‘equipping me for every good work’ (2Tim.3:17)
I am sent. ( Luke 10:3, Mark 16:15)

Now…if I can just find the right row…..