Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Supplication… Webster says it is an earnest request….

I don’t use the word in conversation, don’t hear anyone else use it really. It is one of those Bible words, a word connected to prayer, directed toward God.

As I complete my reflecting on Psalm 119 this morning, I am challenged about my prayer life…. “Let my supplication come before Thee…” (verse 170) “…Give my request your personal attention.” (v. 170 from The Message)

I regularly present my prayer list to God, and I often find myself giving Him suggestions about how He should fill my needs….or to be truthful, my wants. Selfish, short-sighted, self-centered wants…

While it is certainly true that God is interested in my every need and desire, He sees far beyond my moment, and knows far better than I how to answer and how to fulfill my requests. He has an uncanny way of bringing about what I ask for, but in ways I don’t expect and never see coming.

In this last section of the psalm, I am reminded… He is God. I am not.

“….give me wisdom according to Your Word” (v. 169)
“….deliver me according to Your Word.” (v. 170)
“….You have taught me Your Precepts.” (v. 171)
“….all Your Commandments are righteousness.” (v. 172)
“….I have chosen Your Precepts.” (v. 173)
“….Your Law is my delight.” (v. 174)
“….let Your judgments help me.” (v. 175)

This book we call The Bible is very unique. It is only paper and ink, maybe a leather cover…but the message it communicates is incredible. The more I read and study it, the more I realize how bottomless it’s teaching is. His Word, what He has said….is. Period. The epitome of ‘it is what it is…’. God’s Word IS. It is the source of wisdom, deliverance, right-ness…

And I for one need all that. Desperately.

“I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant; for I do not forget Your Commandments.” (v. 176)

How thankful I am that He does come looking for me, calling me back close to Him. If you hear Him, whether it is a shout or a whisper…listen for Him. And go to Him. Run to Him.

He is so good.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Shalom… It is a Hebrew word. Most people know it means peace, but what is peace?

Is peace simply absence of conflict or war? What steals peace away, what prevents it from being the norm for us?

People search for it…try all sorts of methods to gain it, trying to chase away the inner conflict and be complete… somehow….ANY how…any way.

The problem is that we can not stand alone against life’s daily pressures for very long. We run into the unfriendly, the unhealthy, the incomplete, the discontent…and it takes our peace.

Oh, we may convince ourselves that we do in fact have peace, that we do not CARE about the unfriendly, unhealthy, incomplete, and discontent…

And maybe you don’t.

But IF you don’t, your peace is diminished whether you admit it or not. You are less than you were created to be if you become calloused to those unfriendly, unhealthy, incomplete……

But knowing the love of God, and living in relationship with HIM, is the single way to true peace. He is the single answer. The enemy will give you some attractive alternatives, fashion some good counterfeits for you, and present some misleading choices that will give you a short lived ‘peace’ that will blow up in your face eventually.

As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119,I read the section of verses 161-168 and I find great comfort for my lack of peace this hour….(He's so good,He sends the right Word every time…)

“Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” (Ps. 119: 165)

My peace is not in a perfect life, because I don’t have one.

My peace is not because there is no conflict, there is plenty.

My peace is not because I have no aches and pains, no unfriendly people to deal with, or situations that make me wish for a different one…. I have plenty situations that I’d just as soon not have to deal with. My hands and feet are old, tired, and about worn out. My life does not always unfold as I expected.

But my peace does not depend on any of those things, I have peace because I have a God Who will always act toward the welfare of His children. I serve a God Who defines what it is to be complete.

And He loves me. I am in covenant relationship with Him.

As for me, I’ll just take up the cross and follow…(Mt. 16:24) I will know His peace even in a raging storm.

“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15)

I do not comprehend why so many refuse Him….why they refuse to accept the peace and security that is found in living by His design standard.

But I can’t want it bad enough for you…You get to pick.


Afflicted… Webster says: affected with continued or often repeated pain, either of body or mind ….

My parents and grandparents called people ‘afflicted’ when today we say ‘handicapped’ or ‘special needs’.

Tonight, as I am afflicted with sleeplessness, I got up to continue my reflecting on Psalm 119. I find verse 153...“Look on my affliction, and deliver me..”

I am so thankful God continues to love, continues to care, and continues to listen. Aren’t you? He could stop.

The word in the original language is ‘oniy’. It is defined as a state of oppression or extreme discomfort, physically, mentally, or spiritually. Depression. Misery.

It made me think of the song on Hee Haw from years ago…

“Gloom, despair, and agony on me,
Deep dark depression, excessive misery,
If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all,
Gloom, despair, and agony on me….”

Those hillbilly characters were afflicted. (…and maybe a little lazy. )

When the afflicted cry out to God for deliverance, God hears, and answers. He cares…. “Lord, You have deep concern for me. Keep me alive as You have promised. (v.156)

How well do the afflicted listen for His answer, how well do they follow His instructions as He provides deliverance?

When affliction comes, we can’t sit around with a jug and a gang of buddies, wallowing in self pity.

When affliction comes, it is more important than ever to kneel at The Throne of grace and mercy…It is the ONLY place to find help, true deliverance, and recovery. The only way to remove the deep darkness…

Excessive misery and all….

Friday, September 2, 2011


Insomnia… Webster says it is a “prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep”. Seems like my inability to obtain adequate sleep has become pretty normal….

I remember being chastised for sleeping too much. Still asleep at noon on Saturday, my folks complained loudly, ‘You are sleeping your life away!’

I can’t sleep til midnight sometimes now, much less noon !

So I get up and continue to reflect on the next section of Psalm 119 and look what I find….

“Lord, I call out to You with all my heart. Answer me, and I will obey Your orders.
I call out to You. Save me, and I will keep Your covenant laws.

I get up before the sun rises. I cry out for help. I've put my hope in Your Word.

My eyes stay open all night long. I spend my time thinking about Your promises.

Listen to me, because You love me. Lord, keep me alive as You have promised.
Those who think up evil plans are near. They have wandered far away from Your law.

But Lord, You are near. All Your commands are true.

Long ago I learned from Your covenant laws that You made them to last forever.”
(Psalm 119:145-152)

It brings a smile to my heart that He is so sweet in His perfect timing. He speaks. On time. Every time.

On sleepless nights, my brain bounces back and forth with all the concerns of my life. I discuss it with Him, complain to Him, whine to Him…

And every single time, if I will just go to His Word…..every single time, if I will just shush my spirit and listen….

He speaks.

He is near. All His words are true and eternal.

I must just keep my hope in that Word and focus on His promises….they do indeed last forever.

Now…..let’s get some sleep !!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Try…. Over and over. Again and again.

I get tired of trying. Don’t you?

It is so tempting to just throw down the towel and say ‘forget it’.

Sometimes, I just don’t want to care anymore…just wish I could NOT care.

But I have prayed so many times for God to use me. I have asked Him to help me submit myself to Him, that He could do His work thru me, ministering to others.

As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119 I read “ My zeal wears me out, for my enemies ignore your words.” (v. 139)

My zeal. There lies the problem…

It is not about me…. I know this. I have had to re-take this course over and over, again and again. I am not the one who gets a single thing accomplished in another person’s life. Ever.

He asks me to follow. Not navigate or drive….

"Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am.

Don't run from suffering; embrace it.

Follow me and I'll show you how.

Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self.

What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?
What could you ever trade your soul for?

"If any of you are embarrassed over me and the way I'm leading you when you get around your fickle and unfocused friends, know that you'll be an even greater embarrassment to the Son of Man when he arrives in all the splendor of God, his Father, with an army of the holy angels.

( The words of Jesus, Mark 8:34-38 The Message)

Lord Jesus, forgive me as I again get out of the driver’s seat.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Entrance… You can’t get ‘in’, without one…

As I continue to reflect on Psalm 119, this verse draws me.

“The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” (v. 130)

The truth here is profound.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist.

All you have to be is sincere. He fills in any deficiency.

I’ve heard people say they can’t understand the Bible, so they don’t read it. I’ve said it myself.

I didn’t understand it because it didn’t say anything I wanted to hear. I didn’t understand it because it clashed with my rationale. I didn’t understand it because it was not logical.

One thing I have learned, and I know that I know this….His Holy Spirit is capable and willing, even eager to teach. He teaches us where we are….super intelligent or simple. We don’t become scholars overnight, we become and remain students of His as long as there is a today.

Another thing I have learned, and I know that I know, God is not bound by my human logic. Or yours.

But when His Words enter our discussions and into our thoughts, when we truly consider what He has said, light bulbs will come on.

The problem with light is that the brighter it shines, the more dust and cobwebs you can see. And when it is God’s Light shining, we see where we don’t measure up, we miss being perfect and holy by a zillion miles…..

And we have a very real enemy poised to pounce and accuse.

Let Him give you light. He provides understanding to a heart that is undivided in its motive.

Read His Word.

And as you do, never forget that every word is overflowing with love for YOU. And every word is meant for your greater good. And mine…

Every word… Even to the point that “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us….” He stepped out of glory for you….into a dying body of flesh, even to the point of a horrible death He loved you…

Let His Word give you light….you may be surprised just how dark it is where you are.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do something....

Do something… Ever be in some life situation where you feel like somebody just needs to DO something? Waiting is not one of my virtues, I don’t do it easily.

Waiting while a hurricane named Irene crept up the east coast toward where our kids live was not an easy wait. But wait we did, and I couldn’t do a single thing. Even though my mind was screaming ‘Do something!!!’….I could not. Doing something is not always the right thing. Sometimes waiting IS the thing to 'do'.

There have been times that I answered that screaming from within to ‘do something’…only to wish I HAD just waited. The ‘something’ that I did….it was the wrong thing.

I complain to God quite often about his in-action. I want him to ‘DO something!!’

I want Him to do something about so many things.

I want Him to fix what I messed up.
I want Him to intervene in wrong behavior.
I want Him to stop corruption.
I want Him to withhold blessings from people I consider not worthy.
I want Him to punish those I judge guilty.
I want Him to make my life easier.

And as I sit this morning reflecting on Psalm 119 again, and I type out those words, I am so thankful that He isn’t at my command. I’d just mess some more stuff up and make my life far from easier. He is God. And I am not.

“Make sure that everything goes well with me….Help me to understand what is right….
LORD, it's time for you to act. People are breaking your law……I love your commands…I consider all of your rules to be right. So I hate every path that sinners take….”
(Psalm 119:22-28)

I identify with the Psalmist…. ‘me, me, me..’

I again and again go to Him to ask that everything go right with me. Usually after I have failed at taking care of it myself. I pray the hardest when it is a matter I am powerless to ‘do something’ about.

I too consider His rules to be right. He is the Creator. He engineered, designed, and produced all that is reality to me. Even my self.

I too detest the path of sin. I know it from choosing it. I learned from experience that He commands for very good reasons.

And I too say to Him, “Lord, ‘do something!!’…people are breaking Your law !!”

And I find myself so thankful that He waits for HIS time and only then does He ‘do something’.

I can be assured that it will be the best time and the best thing.