Sunday, March 7, 2010


Vision… Mine is going. I’ve never had good eyesight. Began wearing glasses in the 5th grade. Got that surgical procedure a few years ago to improve my distance vision, and it is wonderful !! Then my close-up vision went …sigh…

I remember as a kid, walking home from the post office where my daddy worked, wearing the new glasses that had come in the mail. I marveled at the masses of individual leaves on the trees….I could SEE them. I could read the signs on the buildings across the street ! This new improved eyesight was amazing ! Vision-improved.

Last night I saw a person across the room, saw a wave to my direction, thought she looked familiar…but my eyes couldn’t confirm that I knew her and that the wave was in fact intended for me. Yep….it was her. Vision-impaired.

I don’t enjoy looking at the news broadcasts or reading the newspapers proclaiming the events that are happening in the world…either locally or globally. Yet what I do learn about current events is that God has foretold it…and it either has already been, it is right now, or the signs of it’s coming are there. Vision-selective.

‘So what?’ you ask? “… Where is this ‘coming’ He promised? …everything goes on as it has since the beginning…”(2 Peter 3:4)

Vision. We lose sight of the kingdom calendar and fail to see the activities of God. We buy into the enemy lie that because the eastern sky hasn’t burst forth with the return of Jesus, we can assume that neither will we see it any time soon.

Whether He had returned before my birth, or if it is after the birth of my great-great-great grandchildren, or even beyond that…He will return, on His schedule…not mine.

My time is limited. My opportunities are bound within the time frame of MY life, not on God’s. He knows no limitations of time and space, and I can’t fathom what that even means. Vision-non-existant. I choose to believe in faith …from the witness offered in scripture…thru the help and power of His Holy Spirit.

“The Lord gives sight to the blind..He lifts up those who are bowed down…” ( Ps. 146:8)

“What do you want me to do for you?” He asked. “Lord,” I answer…I want my sight.” (Matt. 20:33 personalized by me)

Father open our eyes and give us vision. ‘Nothing in all creation is hidden’ from You. ‘Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account.’ (Heb. 4:13) As You did with Saul of Tarsus, remove the scales so that we have a changed life and a clear vision of Your purposes and will for us. (Acts 9)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Striving.. My definition without study… ‘trying really hard’. What think ye?

Yesterday, strife was revealed to me in both positive and negative ways. Now don’t misunderstand…I’m not one to stir up a conflict and battle with words. If anything, I’m prone to do the opposite…shut down and shut up. Not a good choice either sometimes, communication is vital in relationships. But there is strife within me, all of it not bad.

I think there is a spiritual striving that is vital in the heart of every Christian. The battle against the enemy is ongoing. He is defeated, for Jesus DID die, and DID come out of the tomb alive and DOES live still….and because of that truth, there is no ultimate victory to be had for the enemy of those in Christ. But the skirmishes go on and the enemy can inflict some pain and injury to us while here and in this flesh. He is the cause of much strife.

“In your striving against sin…” (Hebrews 12:4)

So…!!!!….there IS a striving against it, … else we may very well be surrendered TO it. Whether it is sin of any sort, or whether it is the Holy Spirit of God, the decision is mine to make.

I am either surrendered to God and His agenda for my life (not my own selfish scheme to position myself like I desire) ….or I am striving against Him in His will for my life and the purposes for which I am created.

I want to be co-operating With Him, thru the power of His Holy Spirit, (….not my own will-power and ability to perform). And I want to always be in a spiritual striving against the very real ‘spiritual forces of evil’ (Eph. 6:12) ….or I’m buying into the lies of the enemy. ‘…the devil…was a murderer from the beginning…he is a liar and the father of lies.’ (John 8:44)

‘….they……going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.’ (Romans 10:3)

‘…‘Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness..’(Matt. 6:33)

It’s the same story ….choosing. And there will always be times of spiritual strife…thank You Father for Your Help, Your Presence, and Your Power thru Your Holy Spirit.

And thank You Lord, that you never give up on me…

Friday, March 5, 2010


Strife.. It would be interesting to know what you think strife is. Stop a few seconds and define it in your mind, or share it in comment if you like…

It’s some pretty bad stuff evidently…it’s listed in Gal. 5:20 with idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, and a few other words I need to study and define. But idolatry and witchcraft??…I never want included in that listing!

Paul says ‘Let us walk honestly, as in the day..not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.’ (Romans 13:13) Again, I don’t know what a couple of those things are really…but I am pretty sure I don’t want in that list either.

So…what is this thing called strife? My definition before study was: arguments, bickering, dis-harmony..etc.

The Greek word translated ‘strife’ in the Galatians passage is ‘eritheia’. Thayer’s Greek dictionary defines it like this.. ‘electioneering or intriguing for office’.


God is something’ else. After my days of reflecting on ‘votes’ and ‘terms’ …then the issue with my mouth…now He brings me to this thing called strife…and up pops this election language again! Maybe that doesn’t blow you away..after all, these reflections are about my issues not yours…but it does blow me away, and I just share it with youJ

A further word study brings me to phrases like “those who seek only their own” “a motive of self-interest” “scheming for public office or position” “sharpening of feeling of action”

So…I prayerfully examine my heart and find strife there. Looking out for number one, ….that would be ME. Scripture defines it ‘strife’ when I scheme to keep myself on top shelf.

The world’s answer to that is “look out for #1, if you don’t do it, nobody will.” Isn’t that what you’ve been told? Well…this morning, (again)…I’ve been reminded “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘……whoever touches you touches the apple of My eye’…” (Zec. 2:8)

It’s not my mission to electioneer for office. It is not up to me to stir up the feelings of others in my favor. I am called to RE-present Christ to everyone I relate to. If I am truly His servant, I need not be out electioneering…manipulating public opinion of myself….trying to keep positioned like I want. His agenda must always come before mine. Trying to keep my agenda and His..?

Well……He’s not done with me on this topic….

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Arson… I seem to be an arsonist. I’ve learned some lessons about setting fires, been burned by a few that I’ve set…still, I seem to forget the lessons, and mindlessly set another fire.

‘..think about how a small spark can set a big forest on fire.’ (James 3:5)

I don’t play with matches. I have a problem with my mouth. It gets big sometimes, and overactive, spurting out stuff that is better left unsaid. Yes…you’ve heard this before from me. And yes….I’m still battling it.

I saw myself in a log a few nights ago. My husband put a log on our fire that was not an ordinary log. This log had at one time had a limb attached to the side of it, and the center of the log all the way to where the little stump of a limb stuck out on the side, was hollow. When he put it on the fire, the flames went crazy. The hollow place created a draft, perfect for fire to really ignite.

I have been in situations like that…seeing little glowing embers…and I set my mouth in motion, putting that log on the fire, and just the perfect one to cause a draft …then the situation turns into a dancing fire. “..wickedness burns like a fire…sets the forest thickets ablaze so that it rolls upward in a column of smoke.’ (Isa. 9:18)

The wisdom writer wrote “ As charcoal to embers, and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.” (Proverbs 26:21) And this… “ without wood, a fire goes out…without gossip a quarrel dies down.” (vs. 20)

Seems I have a tendency to be quarrelsome…for I’m guilty of kindling strife on occasion. God forgive me and ‘set a guard over my mouth O Lord, keep watch over the door of my lips.’ (Ps. 141:3)

Whether it’s ‘big’ fire or ‘little’ fire…or ‘big’ strife or ‘little’ strife…it’s all the same in the eyes of God. “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness….out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, (and sisters)..this should not be.” (James 3:9,10) I want ‘the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.’ (Ps. 19:14) They are not always so…

If you think I’m writing this for you…I’m not. It’s for me….yet again. Sigh…

But if it spills out on you…talk to God about it. He’s heard it before…

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Term.. Our elected officials serve terms. We put them in office for these designated periods of time, knowing that at the end of that term they will no longer have the authority of the office unless we give it to them again by re-election.

I’m glad my stay in heaven won’t be a limited term. (1Thes.4:17) I’m thankful my home there will not depend on my job performance but His. It is a matter of ‘…the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God…..’ (Heb. 9:14) I’m rejoicing about the benefits of this new authority…this King Jesus, who now reigns and rules.

I’m thankful it is not I who pays the penalty of death, the result of the curse of sin…I don’t make those sacrifices for sin, over and over and over…as those under the previous covenant were required to do. I’m thankful all of THAT was only for a term!! I’m glad that period of time has now lapsed… a new authority is in place…and this Authority is an Eternal One. (Heb.7:24) Not a term.

I’m thankful my position in His kingdom is not a matter of public opinion, but a matter of God’s grace, His love and mercy, and my accepting His sacrificial death in my stead.
‘All you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ, you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus’ (Gal.3:27,26) I now have an eternal position. Given, not earned.

I honor and respect Him so very much, but I am not afraid of Him, and I have access to His private chambers at any time. I do not hesitate to approach Him, but instead, I can ‘draw near….with a sincere heart, in full assurance of faith,’ and He ‘sprinkles my heart to cleanse me from a guilty conscience.’ (Heb. 10:22)

He’s the King. He is the Eternal One. We didn’t put Him on the throne. His throne has been perpetual throughout the ages, beyond the concept of our limitations of time. Yet He ‘chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all He created.’ His vote is cast. He is for us…but we make the ultimate decision. He does not force His will. How do you choose?

I’m thankful the election is over, the vote has been cast, and my position in the kingdom of God is secure. “He chose us in Him before the creation of the world….In love He determined beforehand to adopt us as His sons and daughters through Jesus Christ.’ (Eph. 1:4-5 my paraphrase)

And I’m His. Not for a term, but for eternity. Hallelujah.


Vote… Today is an election day. We have the opportunity to have our opinion considered about some issues. It matters. Amidst all the many opinions, yes…just one person’s opinion matters.

Jacob had twelve boys. The young Joseph was the golden child, the apple of his father’s eye, the child of his most loved wife. Jacob was getting old when this boy Joseph was born, (Gen.37:3)…he doted on him, perhaps realizing as we parents do, how quickly they grow up. Maybe he looked like his mother..or had a way with a smile. I wonder at what a brat he might have been. His brothers ‘could not speak a kind word to him.’ (Gen. 37:4)

His father gave him a lavish gift of a robe that was not in any way the common garment of the day…(Gen.37:3) had what we’d call a designer label… everyone would recognize it. It would be like sending our children to school with a Louis Vuitton backpack. (Jacob might have been wiser, knowing this was just asking for trouble, and inciting jealousy.)

God has a plan for every life, and He had a plan for Joseph’s life. I don’t think God ‘made’ the brothers do the bad things they did…..that does not fit the Character of my God. But when Joseph’s brothers came up with their scheme, true to God’s nature, He brought about His purposes in spite of it, and He even brought blessing out of it. Years later, to his long lost brothers, “ Joseph said, ‘…you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’ ”(Gen. 50:20)

The plan was to be rid of a bratty brother who dreamed dreams of being great…greater than his older siblings. But the voice of one of them had changed the course of events, (Gen. 37:21), saved Joseph’s life, and would eventually rescue the entire clan from famine.

Judah was in on the plot, but for whatever reason, he ‘said to his brother, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him, after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood,” His brothers agreed.’ (Gen. 37: 26,27)

So it was decided…they wouldn’t kill him, or leave him trapped in a pit for the wild beasts to kill. He would be alive…just as a slave in a foreign land, and out of their hair.

One voice was heard, and it made a difference. It’s an intriguing story. The people involved had no idea of the eternal repercussions.

We too, have no idea of the eternal results of how we use our voice and influence.,,,,whether for bad, or for good. Choose and act… prayerfully.

It matters.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Power.. Ours goes off a lot, especially when it rains. It was off for 13 days in 2000 when we had “The Ice Storm” . We miss the power when it goes off. We have learned to depend on it.

You can’t miss what you never know, but we all ‘know’ electricity. All our ‘stuff’ works by its power. There are more and more ways, every year, to make it useful, helping us in so many ways to get done what needs to be done….quicker and easier, more efficiently.

There are very few people who refuse the electrical power available to them. I can think of only the Amish religious groups who don’t use it. Most people think of it as an absolute necessity.

The power of God available to me thru the Holy Spirit is my absolute necessity. (He never goes off by the way….) His power in my life helps me in many ways, and I’ve learned to depend on Him. I’ve only begun to realize the power available thru His Presence within me. I know what it is to live without His power….I experienced that much longer than 13 days!

“….having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof…”(2 Tim. 3:5)

That was me. I had the form. You would find me in the church building at every service, I followed all the traditions, I suppose I looked pretty good from the outside, at least part of the time anyway. Thank God, because of my heritage, I had knowledge of the truth. (vs.7) I never have led a perfect life, but neither have I been too badly ‘led away with divers lusts.’(vs.6) …..(mostly because of fear, but hey…‘fear is the beginning of wisdom’ !!) My power, however, was only my willpower…and it went off a LOT!!

Not only is the Holy Spirit now the power-source for my life, He is The Holy Reminder. ‘…the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send … will remind you of everything I have said to you.’ (John 14:26)

Please don’t miss this…you can’t be reminded of what you never heard in the first place. Make it your business to know what He has said. You can’t fight the enemy with The Spirit’s Sword, if you don’t have it.

Jesus Himself fought with ‘it is written..’. How arrogant are we to think we can defeat the enemy otherwise. Don’t be deceived, we are powerless against the enemy. And he is vicious… he ‘prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.’ (1Peter 5:8)

What God has said to His people down thru the ages…what He has said thru the Person of Jesus Christ…it’s recorded. It’s available to you. We call it a Bible. It’s not just paper and ink…it is communication ‘..the Word of God, living and active….it will judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’ (Heb. 4:12)

And from your heart of hearts…if you are truly open to Him, listening for what HE says and not for what you WANT Him to say…He ‘will teach you all things…’ (John 14:26)

He continues to teach me better listening skills…and how to plug in to The Power ~~!!