Isn’t it frustrating when you need to make a call, and your phone tells you ‘no service’ or ‘failed connection’?
The metal walls of the store you are in interfere with the signal, or the mountains are too high they cut off the signal all together, or you’re simply so far away from a tower, there is absolutely no signal at all. Been there?
Yep… Me too.
It’s especially frustrating when the call is vital, you need to get an important message thru to someone or you need help.
We are so accustomed to our easy communications, but they fail occasionally, and we are shocked and frustrated. Even scared sometimes.
Our communications are built around a system… towers, little tiny devices we call cell phones, and invisible things called digital signals. They all work together to keep us invisibly connected to each other.
Ever call God and feel like you’re got ‘no service’?
Ever thought you just didn’t know how to pray at all, that you just don’t have a contract with Him for ‘service’?
Ever pray about something and seeing no answer think you just failed to make a ‘connection’, that your prayers don’t reach His ears?
Sometimes in prayer time, I find myself NOT praying at all, but thinking about what I need from the grocery store tomorrow or some such thing…I call that a ‘dropped call’ …and I’m the one who dropped.
God does not fail.
And the truth is, He’s even interested in my grocery list !!
This is not a perfect analogy, but it gives us a reference point.
When we use a cell phone, we have to operate within the system. Our location is important.
When we want to communicate with God, our location is important.
We have to be praying WITHIN His will.
THAT is our main problem. We often talk to God about things strictly based on our perspective. What we desperately need is to see from HIS.
Jesus Himself deliberately chose to pray within The Father’s will. “..if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away…may Your will be done.’ (Matt.26:42)
He surely didn’t relish the idea of spikes being hammered thru His hands and feet, but He saw from The Father’s perspective. He saw the big picture, what was at stake overall.
He could save Himself from the circumstances...
.. or save every person throughout time.
He chose to save those who would choose to participate in His death, choosing that He be responsible for their penalty of sin, instead of them being responsible for their own sentence of death and separation from God.
‘..this is my prayer…that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best….’ (Phillipians 1:9)
This morning, I am again encouraged and filled afresh with love and adoration because of the words of Jesus as recorded by John in chapter 17.
I encourage you to read this chapter for yourself. Pay close attention to verse 20
...because if you believe in Him, Jesus personalized this for you.
Put your name in it…
He did.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Forecast… guess you’ve watched it, know that it will likely get snowy around here in a day or two. The stores will probably be packed soon. People will ‘stock up’ on things. We won’t want to run out of milk and eggs, or bread, or whatever tops your list of important items. We want to be prepared…...right ?…..
We will make all sorts of preparations, buy more groceries than we really need, fill the tanks with gas, bring the firewood in under shelter. After all, the prediction is for snow.
Propheteia=prediction in Greek, and nbula=prediction in Hebrew, the original languages of scripture.
I wonder, do we pay more attention to the weather-man on television than we do to the One Who is Creator and Master over it all.
‘In the beginning, God created…’ (Gen.1:1) ‘ lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do His bidding..’(Psa. 148:8) ‘He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down hail like pebbles. Who can withstand His icy blast?’ ( Ps. 147:16) ‘…the Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet…’ (Nahum 1:3) He changes the times and seasons. (Dan. 2:21)
This is the God we serve.
Give Him more consideration than the weatherman.
Give His forecast some serious thought.
He has gone to such great lengths to help us be prepared.
The book we call the Bible is full of predictions and advice. How long since you held one in your hand, how long since you asked Him to reveal the message it contains…and it does have relevant messages for each of us, every day.
Go ahead and stock up…...but hear the words of Jesus…
’Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths, corroded by rust, or stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe..’ (Matt. 6:19 The Message)
We will make all sorts of preparations, buy more groceries than we really need, fill the tanks with gas, bring the firewood in under shelter. After all, the prediction is for snow.
Propheteia=prediction in Greek, and nbula=prediction in Hebrew, the original languages of scripture.
I wonder, do we pay more attention to the weather-man on television than we do to the One Who is Creator and Master over it all.
‘In the beginning, God created…’ (Gen.1:1) ‘ lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do His bidding..’(Psa. 148:8) ‘He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down hail like pebbles. Who can withstand His icy blast?’ ( Ps. 147:16) ‘…the Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet…’ (Nahum 1:3) He changes the times and seasons. (Dan. 2:21)
This is the God we serve.
Give Him more consideration than the weatherman.
Give His forecast some serious thought.
He has gone to such great lengths to help us be prepared.
The book we call the Bible is full of predictions and advice. How long since you held one in your hand, how long since you asked Him to reveal the message it contains…and it does have relevant messages for each of us, every day.
Go ahead and stock up…...but hear the words of Jesus…
’Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths, corroded by rust, or stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe..’ (Matt. 6:19 The Message)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Harmony.... Someone asked what Southern Gospel music is... I immediately think of harmonies.
God created harmony. He created the instrument we call 'voice'. In singing, we use our voices in different ways, creating harmonies that can stir every emotion God made and placed within us.
Some voices sing the melody...the saprano, or lead. Some voices add other tones that harmonize, we call them alto, tenor, baritone, or bass. The lead may carry the melody, but it is not fully complete without the other parts.
The voice is an instrument, and we must learn our own particular voice, discover the function of it, identify it, explore its use...and train it.
The voice that is regularly used becomes more capable and to produce sounds that were not possible before. It is more dependable, less likely to squeak out off key or crack and make you want to hide, never to sing again!!!
There is other harmony as well...the harmony of His Body, the church."...the body is not made up of one part but of many'.(1Cor.12:14 )
Here too, we must learn and train....learn who we are in Him...learn what part of the melody is ours to sing..."..they form one body...So it is with Christ." (1Cor.12:12)
We must learn He has created in each of us, a part of the harmony...a place and purpose.
'..God arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be' (1Cor.12:18)
He did not leave you out.
'..There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord' (1Cor.12:5)
'..Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable" (1Cor.12:22)
You may not sing the lead...
but the song is not complete without your voice.....
God created harmony. He created the instrument we call 'voice'. In singing, we use our voices in different ways, creating harmonies that can stir every emotion God made and placed within us.
Some voices sing the melody...the saprano, or lead. Some voices add other tones that harmonize, we call them alto, tenor, baritone, or bass. The lead may carry the melody, but it is not fully complete without the other parts.
The voice is an instrument, and we must learn our own particular voice, discover the function of it, identify it, explore its use...and train it.
The voice that is regularly used becomes more capable and to produce sounds that were not possible before. It is more dependable, less likely to squeak out off key or crack and make you want to hide, never to sing again!!!
There is other harmony as well...the harmony of His Body, the church."...the body is not made up of one part but of many'.(1Cor.12:14 )
Here too, we must learn and train....learn who we are in Him...learn what part of the melody is ours to sing..."..they form one body...So it is with Christ." (1Cor.12:12)
We must learn He has created in each of us, a part of the harmony...a place and purpose.
'..God arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be' (1Cor.12:18)
He did not leave you out.
'..There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord' (1Cor.12:5)
'..Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable" (1Cor.12:22)
You may not sing the lead...
but the song is not complete without your voice.....
Friday, December 31, 2010
Answers? I don't have them all.
What I do have is an inside scoop to THE Answer Man.('search the scriptures....they testify of Me.' John5:39)
Sometimes I get answers immediately.
Some I'm still waiting on.
Sometimes I get a 'yes'....sometimes a clear 'no'.
There is nothing special about me, you have the same opportunity to this Answer Man. But following Christ must really be about following HIM...seeking His FACE, not just the blessings of His Hand.
Oh, don't think I've got this down pat...I'm a work in progress.
But I am confident that He will continue His work in me till it is completed.
(...a promise found in James1:4)
'Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked,"What do you want?"...'(John 1:38)
So...what is it you want from Jesus. Do you seek His kingdom?... or yours?
His glory?
....or yours?
Be honest with yourself. He knows the truth of it
Maybe I'm the only one, but the truthful answers are not always very pretty. I thank Him again this morning that he loves me in spite of the ugliness, and never gives up on me, always encouraging me to face the truth and allow Him to change me into the image of His dear Son.
I have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created me,...For he has rescued me from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought me into the Kingdom of his dear Son. (Col. 1:10,13)
Only Almighty God can do that.
What I do have is an inside scoop to THE Answer Man.('search the scriptures....they testify of Me.' John5:39)
Sometimes I get answers immediately.
Some I'm still waiting on.
Sometimes I get a 'yes'....sometimes a clear 'no'.
There is nothing special about me, you have the same opportunity to this Answer Man. But following Christ must really be about following HIM...seeking His FACE, not just the blessings of His Hand.
Oh, don't think I've got this down pat...I'm a work in progress.
But I am confident that He will continue His work in me till it is completed.
(...a promise found in James1:4)
'Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked,"What do you want?"...'(John 1:38)
So...what is it you want from Jesus. Do you seek His kingdom?... or yours?
His glory?
....or yours?
Be honest with yourself. He knows the truth of it
Maybe I'm the only one, but the truthful answers are not always very pretty. I thank Him again this morning that he loves me in spite of the ugliness, and never gives up on me, always encouraging me to face the truth and allow Him to change me into the image of His dear Son.
I have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created me,...For he has rescued me from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought me into the Kingdom of his dear Son. (Col. 1:10,13)
Only Almighty God can do that.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
friends...Our culture calls lots of things friendship. But having a true friend is a treasure, being one is not easy.
It is a relationship and requires commitment and work.
On Facebook, we collect friends and number them. People 'request' to be your friend, and we have the option of accepting or rejecting.
I rejected a request last night, and it has made me wonder if I do that in 'real life
"Every man is a friend to him that gives gifts"(Prov.19:6)
Do I look for friendship only from those who have something to offer me in return? When it's beneficial for ME? When I am comfortable with it?
Jesus Himself calls us friend.
If we look for benefits from friendship, He is THE ONE.
But it's a relationship and requires commitment and work.
"... See MoreYou are my friends when you do the things I command you"(John 15:14MSG)
That would be a tall order without His grace, without being connected to Him, for He is the PowerSource. "..apart from Me, you can do nothing"(John 15:5)
Lord help us be good friends to each other.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sales...this time of year everything is 'on sale'.
Want a costly item? don't want to pay the price?...wait til it's on sale.
What we need most is something we can't purchase...never could, never will be able to.
It will never be on fact it's the most expensive thing to ever exist.
And whether you know it or is the only thing that will fill your need, bring you comfort, contentment, and total peace.
It is right standing with God, paid for in full by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Rev.1:5)
It is the greatest need you will ever have. Jesus offers to fill that need for us completely. You need only accept the gift.
It is the deal you can't afford to pass up.... if you do, you will never know the joy of His salvation and you will regret it for eternity.
Want a costly item? don't want to pay the price?...wait til it's on sale.
What we need most is something we can't purchase...never could, never will be able to.
It will never be on fact it's the most expensive thing to ever exist.
And whether you know it or is the only thing that will fill your need, bring you comfort, contentment, and total peace.
It is right standing with God, paid for in full by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Rev.1:5)
It is the greatest need you will ever have. Jesus offers to fill that need for us completely. You need only accept the gift.
It is the deal you can't afford to pass up.... if you do, you will never know the joy of His salvation and you will regret it for eternity.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Time is not new...but it is important. Now is all we have. Live fully in it.
Not in the past.
Not waiting for that perfect time yet to come.
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Ps. 90:12)
Oh Lord, help us to be wise in our 'now'.
Grief...yes, I've tasted it, but have never had to drink the cup that has been to the lips of so many. Again today, some drink of it.
I have no help...nothing to way to take it away.
I think again of Job's story.."If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the would surely outweigh the sand of the seas.."(Job 6:2)
I can not imagine the heaviness of the sorrow some bear at this moment. I can only offer myself to God and ask Him to use me in some small way to bring His comfort. He is the only answer.
"In my distress I called to the Lord. I cried to my God for help From His temple He heard my voice. My cry came before Him, into His ears. (Ps.18:6)
I purpose to live in my 'now'. It is all I have. And I purpose to live it as God leads. He has brought me to this place, He will lead me forward from here.
Time is not new...but it is important. Now is all we have. Live fully in it.
Not in the past.
Not waiting for that perfect time yet to come.
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Ps. 90:12)
Oh Lord, help us to be wise in our 'now'.
Grief...yes, I've tasted it, but have never had to drink the cup that has been to the lips of so many. Again today, some drink of it.
I have no help...nothing to way to take it away.
I think again of Job's story.."If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the would surely outweigh the sand of the seas.."(Job 6:2)
I can not imagine the heaviness of the sorrow some bear at this moment. I can only offer myself to God and ask Him to use me in some small way to bring His comfort. He is the only answer.
"In my distress I called to the Lord. I cried to my God for help From His temple He heard my voice. My cry came before Him, into His ears. (Ps.18:6)
I purpose to live in my 'now'. It is all I have. And I purpose to live it as God leads. He has brought me to this place, He will lead me forward from here.
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