Friday, August 31, 2012


Therefore....I heard it said once that when you see that word, to stop and ask what the word is there for. (....therefore, there for....get it? )  There are lots of therefores in scripture. This morning, my attention was drawn to the concept of joy. (thanks to a friend's post on Facebook that has me humming 'I've got the joy, joy joy, joy...down in my heart...')  Then, I go to my morning time in God's Word, and there's that concept of joy and that 'therefore' word.  (...isn't God a hoot? )

"Therefore you will joyously draw water From the springs of salvation." (Isa 12:3)

Now I ask myself, what is that 'therefore' there for?
Why the joy? (...or the absence of it...? )

It is such a simple reason, yet so profound, and so hidden from me for so long....

".......He has become my salvation..." (Isa. 12:2)
 He is the saving factor. Not me. Not what I do. Not what I do NOT do.


Our joy bubbles over like a spring bursts forth from the ground ONLY when we recognize the truth of God's incredible love for us, and the unreasonable grace He has extended to do what we are absolutely incapable of achieving ourself. 

Therefore, :) ......when I see someone who seems to have no real joy, I have to consider that they might have no understanding of that love and grace.

I purpose today to...
"...joyously draw water From the springs of salvation...."
 and "'Make known His deeds among the peoples... Make them remember that His Name is exalted....He has done excellent things, Let this be known throughout the earth...." ( select verses from Isa. 12)
"Cry aloud and shout for joy...... in your midst is the Holy One of Israel." (vs.6)