Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kicked out....

Ever been kicked out? 

I remember being kicked out of a click of girls in school. Of course, I was taken back in a week or so and somebody else was kicked out. 

I've known of people getting kicked out of college. 
I've known of people getting kicked out of a movie theatre.
I've even known kids who got kicked out of their home.

Most of the time, getting kicked out is a result of bad behavior...though not always.  (...I don't remember that I behaved badly in school, but maybe I did...and I am regretful this morning to have participated in that kind of behavior towards anyone else..)

As I continue to reflect on the man with new vision in John 9, I see that he got kicked out. 

This man, blind for as long as he had lived, now sees.  He is interrogated about it as if he had done something wrong. His family is approached. He is challenged about his honesty. The religious leaders throw out their chests and wave their credentials.

Then they kick him out.

Oh that will resolve it....right.  NOT!!

Rather than listen honestly and consider the testimony.....they kick him out.
Rather than honestly consider why they are so against such a wonderful thing....they kick him out.

I am thankful that I am given sight. It matters that some people don't understand. I may be 'kicked out' of certain circles, ridiculed, accused, or avoided. 

But that's ok.  I'll just keep trusting Him......the One Who gave me sight and directs my steps.