Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Power. Money. Success.  We Americans seem to be driven by them. We drive ourself, and we drive others....pushed by a need and want for more, more, more....

As I begin in John 10 I realize that God has never driven me . It is my own desire that has driven me. Sometimes that desire has been to be more Christlike and driven me to seek Him with an honest an undivided heart.

Sometimes that desire has driven me away from Him.

Jesus  is a Shepherd not like a cattle driver.  Which causes me to remember how my father-in-law would deal with his cattle.  He led them.  He had a certain call.  They recognized him and would follow him into the corral.  They were led.  Not driven. 

I am led.  I want to be led. 

Whether led to it, led around it, led away from it, or led right through it...I purpose to follow Him.

I purpose to listen and follow His Voice, never to balk and run or to be driven by my own wrong desire.

(.....I understand a shepherd would sometimes injure the leg of a disobedient sheep, carry it on his own shoulders until it was able to walk again.  The sheep would become close and very bonded to the shepherd while being carried around, and when the sheep was able to walk and put down, it stayed as close to the shepherd as it could get...   Sounds a bit familiar....)