- Lips are attached to my mouth.
- Words come out of my mouth.
- Knowledge comes from the task of learning, either by exercise of mind and resources……or experience.
- What I learn from study or observation is stored in my mind….( granted, hard to recall sometimes. )
- What I learn by experience is never forgotten. (….especially the hard painful lessons…!! )
I hadn’t really noticed that word in scripture before. Recently, I heard a radio speaker quote a passage that got my attention.
"There is gold, and an abundance of jewels; But the lips of knowledge are a more precious thing” (Proverbs 20:15)
What in the world are lips of knowledge? Whatever it is…it is very valuable. Obviously.
Well, let’s see…..
So…why the high value?
What I speak and communicate out of what I have learned is valuable.
What I speak and communicate out of what I know that I know I know…..is priceless to me. And valuable to others.
Those of us who understand the language of Christianese call it ‘testimony’
And those who listen to testimonies from those who know that they know that they know Jesus Christ….must find an audience. An audience who may or may not recognize the value of ‘lips of knowledge’.
Those of us who know that we know that we know Jesus Christ have something very valuable, and we must speak that valuable knowledge of Him, especially to those who do not know that they know Him.
(….and yes, I know that I know that I know that I know Him. Do you? )