Friday, September 17, 2010


Reason… To justify. Convince. To argue….and be right…

I confess. It is important for me to be right. I know…..I’m the only one. Right?

I can justify my need to be right.

I can argue until I convince you.

Or until you convince me that I’m really NOT right, but in fact, YOU are right.

But whichever it is, the key and the value in it, is the reasoning together. We are so much better off when we can do this reasoning/arguing with an honest heart searching for truth instead of just for the sake of being the winner.

Winning is empty, if the truth has been lost in the battle. We have a false victory.

And when anger comes in, the devil is usually the victor.

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord.” (Isa. 1:18)

God invites us to come to Him with issues, argue the thing out, reason together with Him…and find solutions. And when we come to Him with an honest attitude, not hiding, not masquerading or pretending…He will reveal truth. Even though it’s often not pretty and hard to accept, the truth is indeed the truth….whether we accept it and embrace it or not.

Job reasoned together with God. When all the disaster fell, Job went to God with all his questions, “I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case with God.” (Job 13:3)

His friends had all the answers, or so they thought. But Job went to God.

Job was right about a lot of things. But he also found out he wasn’t nearly as good nor nearly as smart as he thought he was.

“…surely I have spoken of things that I did not understand….my ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you….and I repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42: 3-6)

I want to always be willing and eager to reason together with God.

Not to have my status verified. But to seek truth…..from an honest seeking heart, never just so I can be right.

HE is always, always right.