Showing posts with label imitate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imitate. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2012



My sons have fun with imitating people. They have been especially known for imitations by telephone conversations. (…stirred up quite a ruckus on occasion before they ‘fessed up to the person on the other end of the line…)

I know that I am the subject of imitation sometimes. In the summer, when it is swimming pool time, a simple movement of the hands in a certain way brings a response of laughter. Everyone knows who is being imitated. Me.

Lots of money is made by comedians who imitate famous people.
Lots of hurt feelings come from unkind imitations of others.

Being imitated is sometimes done out of humor. Sometimes, it’s out of ridicule.

Sometimes it is the highest form of flattery.

“ You became imitators of us and of the Lord..”(1 Thes. 1:6)

Paul wrote a lot of follow up letters. He had been with the people of this city, taught them the truth about Jesus Christ, and educated them on the salvation that was not possible for all people.

It is incredible to me that Paul stayed humble. He could have been very prideful about all the imitators of his gospel message. He could easily have been tempted into taking credit. Satan tempted Jesus in that way, I feel sure he wouldn’t hesitate to tempt Paul in that way.

What these new believers imitated was merely Paul’s own imitation of Jesus Christ.

I pray that any person I can influence to Christ, will fully understand, that they are to imitate only Jesus Christ in me. There will be opportunity to see shortcomings. Certainly there will be things I would never want imitated.

How I pray to be a good example, a good role model, and that they will be pointed past me to Him.

He is the absolute only good in me.