Monday, January 2, 2012



I have some things that are not ‘real’. Lots of costume jewelry, some imitation furs, lots of cut glass.

….fake diamonds, fake mink, fake crystal.

It doesn’t matter to me that they are imitation. They are just as pretty.

I am pickier about some things. I don’t like fake leather. If you know me very well, you know I’m an original bag-lady. I like handbags, and I want ‘real’. Don’t give me some fake leather, I know the difference.

I heard a challenge via a radio message in my vehicle today that caused me to pause and consider my taste in authenticity.

I had just been shopping for a handbag I thought I wanted…til I felt of it and found it to be made of something called pvc. (..I think that must be plastic…)

I didn’t buy what I thought I wanted because it wasn’t ‘real’

I like leather. Real leather. Soft leather. Certainly not plastic.

The radio speaker challenged me about the authenticity of something else….my professed faith.

He said it is easy to fake religious convictions. Just learn the language, wear the clothes, and go to the right places. You’ll blend right in.

I want authentic leather in my handbags.

And I want to be authentic in the professions I make.

Lord, help me walk the talk….cause if you don’t, I’m sure to be faking it.

Help me, Father, to “do my best, fill my mind and help me to meditate on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious--the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Help me put into practice what I have learned..” (Phillipians 4:8- The Message)