Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Idolatry.. What god do we have? Think there aren’t any gods… think there is only One God Whom we serve ? I wonder….

Molech was a god of the Ammonites in Biblical history. Ammon was the son of Lot, closely related to the Israelites, because Lot was Abraham’s nephew. I don’t know how it happened, and haven’t the time now to research it…but it is true that they worshipped this god called Molech. And the worship practices involved sacrifices. Sacrifices of chidren.

“Oh how horrible!!” we say. How could they do that !?

I can’t explain where the concept came from that placing a child onto the outstretched arms of a brass figure, to roll back into it’s belly and a blazing inferno would have a positive outcome…who comes up with that? What a lie to think that would change anything for the better!

But look at our culture…look at the lies that people believe concerning the care and nurturing of children….or even of allowing the life of a child to be birthed and lived.

We discard children to fend for themselves, raise themselves, barely knowing they exist much less ‘training the child in the way he should go’ (Prov. 22:6)

We sit them in front of some electronic device and let it train the child.. (usually in the way he should NOT go)

We fail so often in saying “Come, my children, listen to me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” (Ps. 34:11)

I think the practice of abortion is the modern Molech. The outstretched arms where we place the unborn to die so that some god can be appeased.

The god of self that doesn’t want the responsibility.

The god of self that is more concerned with personal guilt and shame than life.

The god of self that rejects the idea of sharing personal time, energy, and resources with another person.

The god that worships personal image and beauty, and doesn’t want it marred, even at the cost of another life.

Oh how horrible indeed.