Saturday, June 12, 2010


Tragedy… It comes. No invitation. No respecter of person. And we ask why…

The age old question. Why?

Faith in God nor obedience to Him shuts out afflictions and death.

My heart hurts. Tragedy strikes, friends die, children die, those who survive suffer.

As much as I grieve, I realize that it pales in comparison to the ones who have been left behind. I can only pray that I never get any closer to tragedy than this day.

I do not want to be like Job’s friends, who had all the answers and all the reasons why the bad things that happened to Job had befallen him.

I do not know why God has allowed this tragedy. I do not believe the God I serve caused these awful things to happen. Yet, I know He is all powerful, and could have stopped it. Why He chose not to do so, I can’t imagine.

At the same time, I wonder in what ways He did act during the tragedy.

Who did He comfort and calm as the flood waters swept? Who did He speak to?

In what ways will He minister to families in the days, weeks, and even years to come?

What good will He work out of all this misery and grief?

Of one thing I have absolutely no doubt. He was there.

I know is He is God. And I am not.

I hope, were tragedy to strike much closer to me, that I would say with Job ‘Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.’ (Job 13:15)