Wednesday, February 22, 2012


.....It's a Greek word.

Paul uses the word in his letter to the Ephesians in talking about the nature of the Christian church and again in his letter to the Galatians, challenging and correcting them in some of their conduct.

In both cases it is translated into our English word ‘truth’.

Eph 4:15 “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.”

Gal 4:16 “Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?”

It is hard to speak the truth in love. It is easier to speak it in anger. I’ve done both so I speak from experience.

Speaking truth in anger has no care for the damage it may do.

Speaking truth in love is concerned about the healing it might bring.

I have friends who will speak the truth in love to me. Sometimes, it’s not easy to hear it.

I have friends who hold back from speaking the truth to me. Sometimes, it’s not easy to speak it.

I am thankful for those friends who don’t want to hurt me with the kind of truth that is not fun to hear.

But I am doubly thankful for those few who will speak the truth to me in love, and challenge me to change a wrong attitude or action.

And when they do, I want to respond in the same way. In love.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Webster says “To mean; to design; to purpose, that is, to stretch or set forward in mind.”

As I have my quiet time this morning, I have come across the same theme, the same message.

Nobody intends to screw up their life.

Nobody means to have their once wonderful, romantic marriage turn sour.
Nobody means to become financially destroyed.
Nobody means to become addicted to drugs or alcohol.

The list could go on and on and on. Nobody means to be a sinner.

I don’t mean to be one, but try as I may, I am one.

Thank you again Lord, for your forgiveness, for your outstretched Hand, Your Spirit within me that enables me to learn from those things and move forward. Thank You for Your amazing ability to bless me even out of my own poor decisions and wrong attitudes….when I truly repent and turn AWAY from them, and TO You. Thank You for the amazing way you have used those things to grow my faith in You. How I love You for that.

The book of Joshua gives an example of provisions and protection that God put in place for people who had ‘didn’t intend to’ things in their life.

"A person shall escape for refuge to one of these cities, stand at the entrance to the city gate, and lay out his case before the city's leaders. The leaders must then take him into the city among them and give him a place to live with them.
"If the avenger of blood chases after him, they must not give him up--he didn't intend to kill the person; there was no history of ill-feeling.
He may stay in that city until he has stood trial before the congregation and until the death of the current high priest. Then he may go back to his own home in his hometown from which he fled." (Joshua 20:4-6)

God’s Heart has never changed. No matter what wrong thing has happened to us, no matter what poor decisions we have made, no matter how devastating the consequences of those choices, His Heart’s desire is to restore us, heal us, and use even the wrong thing.

He is God. And He can do it. WANTS to do it…

But we have to make the move. We have to turn and go to Him. He is our city of refuge.
He is our Healer.

Friday, February 17, 2012


"....the truth will set you free."

The words of Jesus, recorded in John 8:32.

There are many ways to be enslaved.

There is only one way to be truly free.

There are often very difficult choices to make, often many hard things to admit and deal with. The enemy is always on the scene to accuse and shame.

Satan offers many counterfeit choices. He is the father of lies. He encourages us to live in his lies...he shames us, encourages us to hide the ugly truth. As if that changes it somehow....

Jesus never shames. His Hand is always extended. His desire is that we live in truth. In freedom.

But He will not accept anything but absolute truth from us. He forces us to be truthful with Him....and with ourselves.

" So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

What lie do you hide? What shame do you live with?

Will you be free today?

Monday, February 13, 2012


Do you wonder about it? Ever wish you could see into it?

There are people who claim to do that, and people who pay money to hear what they have to say.

I think most of them are just great con-artists, people who have formulated some general scenarios to spout, most of them pleasant of course…

But I think some of them may have some power. Power from a power source that is certainly not of God. Evil in fact.

Scripture has quite a bit of advice about this kind of thing. Simply put… just don’t have anything to do with it. If it is not clearly of God, just don’t go there….

God has given His Word, divinely inspired and recorded, preserved and kept thru the ages.

He has given His Spirit to aid in understanding it, recalling it, and applying it. He reveals His truth to us, layer after layer, if only we go to Him with an open and honest heart, asking and expecting.

We pay no price. He has paid the price, and it was great.

Oh I’ve heard the argument… “I don’t really believe it, it’s just fun…harmless fun.”

Well, maybe you think so. But God seemed to take it pretty serious….

“….. he consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking Him to anger.” (2 Kings 21:6)

……serious enough to be in a list like this: “ Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD..”(Deut. 18:10-12)

Make no mistake, God is God. There is no other.

But Satan is real, and though his trump card of death is defeated for the child of God thru Jesus Christ, he is real and he is dangerous.

He is not harmless.

And he is not fun.

Don’t fall for the deception that dabbling in his realm is recreational. He intends to steal, kill, and destroy you. (John 10:10)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


One of Webster’s definitions is ‘he who creates’

Today, I went to a baby shower. My nephew has fathered a child. We are all excited, my sister especially. This will be her first grandchild. It is a boy. My nephew and his wife are anxious to see and hold this new creation. They are to be the parents, not just children of their own parents.

Fathering doesn’t stop there. Planting the seed is the easy part. It’s the rest of the story that is challenging. In fact, the rest of the story is the most vital part.

Those of us who follow Jesus call God our Father.

God most certainly created. Everything. You. Me. And little Eli, yet to be born from his mother’s womb.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”(Jer. 1:5)

And He continues in fathering us.

Just as little Eli will be nurtured, so does God nurture us.

Jesus Christ ushered in our birth….our new birth. The most vital birth.

“…what counts is a new creation..”(Gal. 6:15)

“ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor. 5:17)

Being born a human child starts the process. Our parents love us and guide us along the way as we grow up, teaching, mentoring, correcting, disciplining.

Being re-born and becoming a mature child of God is also a process.

In a perfect world, human fathers always do the right thing. (…sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world, not since Eden.)

“ Flesh gives birth to flesh…….

but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.”(John 3:6)

“ For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.”( 1 Peter 1:23)

Thank You Father…..for continuing to father me. For nurturing, teaching, mentoring, correcting, even for the discipline.

And thank you for this new life coming into our family. Bless these young parents, give them wisdom and guidance as they take responsibility for this tender new life.

Friday, February 3, 2012


In my study this morning, I read about some of the events recorded in Acts about the life of our brother in Christ, the apostle Paul.

This phrase in the reading material of my study caused me to stop and reflect…..

“ The positive response to Paul’s teaching stirred up opposition to him.”

The positive response?!? Brought opposition?!? Man, that’d make you want to quit wouldn’t it?

When you have some success at what you are attempting to accomplish, it’d be nice simply to not have to listen to negative responses, much less be faced with resistance and obstacles.

Human nature is ugly so often. And our enemy doesn’t miss many opportunities to make trouble.

At one time, Paul had been passionate about stamping out the movement of what was known as ‘The Way’…the way of Jesus Christ.

Passionate, but dead wrong.

Then he met Jesus.
Then he found out how horribly wrong he’d been.
Then he began the mission of his life....

……to tell anyone he could get to listen, that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of The Most High God. Jesus was the remedy and cure for the cancerous sin nature in mankind. The sin nature that Paul himself struggled with. (Romans 7 records Paul’s testimony about that very thing)

God had equipped Paul for all this. He had the best of education. He was a talented communicator. He had some political advantages, he was a Roman citizen.

He had lots of success.
He preached the story of salvation all across his world.
He convinced lots of people, made lots of converts, trained lots of other people to do the same.

But it was never easy. It didn’t begin easy, and it never got any easier.

There were opposing voices even within the believers who loved him.
There were attempts to stop him. Permanently.

I thank God right now that he wasn’t.

I thank You Lord God for recording and preserving these stories in scripture. Thank You for showing me that even Paul had to bear up under opposition….opposition even from within the circle of friends. Thank You for showing us how he met struggles and overcame them. Thank You Lord that you never left him without Your help and the assurance of Your Presence with him.

I am so very thankful for these words our brother Paul penned….

“ So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1Cor. 10:12-13)

I think Paul knew what he was talking about. I think he probably gives us some great advice here.

Anyone is prone to fall.
Everyone faces difficulty.
Each of us has to choose good over evil.

And God will never leave us alone in a situation.
He is present.
He sets a boundary around us.
He offers an escape.

“…All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.”
(1Cor. 10:13 The Message)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Breath… Ever feel like you can’t breathe? Feel like you are suffocating? ….like the air you breathe in just isn’t enough somehow, and you find yourself sighing over and over?

I often find myself doing that.

I just don’t always breathe right. Don’t breathe deeply enough. Breathe in the wrong stuff…

When God formed the first human, Scripture says “He breathed the breath of life into him. And the man became a living person.”(Gen.2:7)

“The heavens were made when the LORD commanded it to happen. All of the stars were created by the breath of his mouth.”(Ps. 33:6)

God created life and every facet of our reality.
God sustains life and every facet of our reality.

Don’t be fooled. You don’t do it.

Government doesn’t do it.

Education doesn’t do it.

A wealthy economy doesn’t do it.

Medicine doesn’t do it.

Not even religion does it.

He does.

“When You turn Your face away from them, they are terrified. When You take away their breath, they die and turn back into dust.”(Ps. 104:29)

A look into history will show that when the blessings begin to be withdrawn, when things get tough and the tough can’t seem to bring about restored blessing….people begin to pant and search for God, begging for help.

Time and time again, He has brought restoration and healing. How I praise Him for His mercy, and the perfect love He offers. My human nature is incapable of that perfect love, I am slow to extend love to those I deem undeserving.

Thank You Lord God that you do not have a heart like mine. And thank You Father that you have said, “I will not find fault with my people forever. I will not always be angry with them. If I were, I would cause their spirits to grow weak. The very breath of life would go out of the people I created.”(Isa. 57:16)

The breath of life within me is more than the oxygen my lungs process for maintaining this flesh. The real breath within me is what He breaths out.

Some days, I choose not to breath it in.

Some days I choose to ignore the breathe He provides, and choose to choke and spew on whatever is available. And be assured, the enemy of my soul provides alternatives to the breath of life from God.

Today, I choose life.
Today, I choose to breath in, what He breaths out.

“ God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching me what is true. It is useful for correcting my mistakes. It is useful for making my life whole again. It is useful for training me to do what is right. By using Scripture, I can be completely prepared to do every good thing”(2 Tim. 3:16-17 personalized by me)

Call me a Bible banger. Call me a religious finatic. Call me a Jesus freak.

Call me whatever you like.

He calls me friend. (John 15:15)

I breath oxygen and have a heartbeat and pulse because He created human life, a life so very different from plant and animal life, because of His breath.

I breath the breath of God as I inhale what He has said, what He has done, and as I “Receive The Holy Spirit… that He breaths on me …” (John 20:22 personalized by me)

Don't be satisfied with anything else than the life made available and sustained by the very breath of God.