Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Commitment…. It is not warm and fuzzy.

Feelings are often warm and fuzzy. At least to begin with…..

But commitment is a far cry from feelings.. The Bible teaches that love and commitment should develop together.

“Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” “Don't stir up love. Don't wake it up until it's ready.” (Song of Songs 3:5 NIV and The Message)

We should not just act out of ‘feelings’. What we feel is not always true.

“A human heart is more dishonest than anything else. It can't be healed. Who can understand it? The LORD says, ‘I look deep down inside human hearts. I see what is in people's minds….” (Jer 17:9-10)

So often we discover that truth painfully. Having learned the hard way, we have picked forbidden fruit from our own ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil’. We chow down on it and have our eyes opened to the reality of evil. We look back on our mistakes and see that God’s way was right, and we were dreadfully wrong. Even though we ‘felt’ so sure.

And we bear the consequences….

God is Creator. He is The Designer. He is The Engineer. He drew up the plans and laid out the boundaries. Why is it we challenge His design?

Why are we so set against listening to Him? He wants so desperately to guide us. We are wise to follow His council.

Commitment and love must develop together. We should not arouse intimate relationships before there is a strong enough commitment to sustain the relationship.

Warm and fuzzy (....or hot and sweaty) won’t do it.