Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Word…. What is a word but a vehicle of communication….

God has given His, and it’s the absolute. The list of ten were once referred to as ‘The Ten Words’. It’s a pretty remarkable set of ten words. Shalts and shalt nots. Ten words that would solve every problem of mankind if we would just follow them. (can’t be done, unfortunately…sin has entered the equation…)

My writing today is being done on a ‘word’ processor. It enables me to write and rewrite at will, corrects my spelling, all sorts of helping devices, most of which I’m unaware of or don’t know how to utilize. They are still available…even if I’m ignorant of them, even if I choose not to use them.

Communication has changed immensely in my lifetime. Once, I would have worn out two erasers on a writing like this, wasting much more paper than the one page it ends up on. All in an attempt to capture my thoughts, articulate them, and get them into ‘words’. My thoughts are just mine until they are processed into ‘words’. Then, you can share them, agree or disagree….like or dislike….be benefited, unimpressed, or even offended.

In the same way, God’s Word is not much use to me unless it is available to me and relative to my life.

God’s ‘Word’ is recorded… in the documents contained in our Bible. There are lots of translations that use languages from The King’s English, to the street language of today. What He has said is readily available in dozens of formats. It is available in words that I am able to fully understand and apply.

His ‘Word’ was communicated in an even greater way…in the Person of Jesus Christ. “In the beginning was the Word…..and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:1-2)

Today, I speak words into cell phones, over Skype to the other side of the planet…I write words into machines that put them out into cyberspace for anyone to read. I can write them, publish them, broadcast them…I’m still fairly free to stand up and speak them.

God has spoken in lots of ways. He certainly didn’t have to. He is God. He gets the final say.

But His desire is that we hear and understand Him. He has gone to great lengths to make Himself available and approachable. He has shown us His character, His love…the good intentions He has for us. Time and time again in scripture, we see how He relates to mankind, whom He has created to be in relationship with. None of it because we deserved another chance…all of it because He will do whatever it takes to reach out to us….anything required to restore and redeem….everything. Even to the death.

The only thing God will not do is take away our choice, or change the rules of what is right and wrong….good and evil.

He has not nor will He ever change the absolutes of Himself. What He says…IS…and will never change. Right, as He has dictated will never change. Likewise, wrong will always be wrong.

While He is unchanging, we are not. Our culture changes, our methods change…and our enemy sees to it that he uses every change to our disadvantage and disaster. Make no mistake, he has no pride or shame. There is no honor in his methods.

From walking in the cool of the day, leading by pillars of fire, writing with His Finger on tablets of stone….to leaving heaven and moving into a barn…. God has done so very much to communicate and relate to us.

He hasn’t required me to carry around a stone tablet, hasn’t required me to learn to read and understand Greek or Hebrew… My methods of hearing what He has said don’t matter to Him. It just matters that I listen.