Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Covenant… Webster says it’s to enter into an agreement, to bind ones self…

In Hebrew, the original language of old testament scripture, the word is ‘berith’ and it has reference to the custom of cutting or dividing animals in two, and passing between the parts to ratify a covenant.

In Greek, the original language of new testament scripture, the corresponding word is ‘diatheke’.

There are many examples of covenant in scripture. I fear we have lost the depth of meaning…perhaps the entire concept in some instances.

The covenant of marriage in particular. The covenant of marriage is intended to be sealed…yet how many give away the possibility of that seal to someone to whom they are never married? There is much damage done in doing so…for all concerned.

God can heal and restore even that. But there’s a big old’ IF attached to it….we must repent and come to Him with all of it, in obedience trust, turning away from those wrong choices and actions.

God never ever tells us NOT to do something just to be mean and nasty. When he says ‘don’t’….you can be sure it is because it brings US harm. Our sin doesn’t take anything away from God, it doesn’t diminish His character nor deplete His power. But our hurting hurts Him. THAT is what He wants to prevent. Simply because of His perfect love for us.

“Just as He Who called you is holy, so be holy is all you do…” (1 Peter 1:15)

Like it or not….agree or disagree….obey or rebel….God sets the standards for morality.

We are wise to believe that fact. And we are blessed when we know Him well enough, knowing His character and His love and intentions, that we can follow His directions without rebellion.

We are wise to have learned from the garden scene NOT to try to find out for ourselves if what He says is really true.

What He says IS. It has always been that way…and will always be.