Friday, July 16, 2010


Recover… There’s not a single one of us that doesn’t need to….

We all suffer from the same fatal disease. The horrible truth is that if we lose the battle with this disease, the death is eternal.

There is One Cure. One. It’s not a pill. Not a diet. Not a set of exercises. It’s not a lifestyle. It’s a Person.

His Name is Jesus.

We are wise to cling to Him.

There is a lot to a name. Especially His Name. In our culture, we’ve lost the concept of the meaning of names. Pity.

There were twins born to Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 25. One of the twin boys came forth from the birth canal hanging onto his brother’s foot. They named that baby Jacob. It means ‘heel holder’.

That baby was born hanging on…and his name would always bring that to mind.

And hang on he did. His life’s story examples both good and bad aspects of that part of his personality.

Jacob was an ambitious deceiver. He grabbed hold of life and got all he could get. Sometimes underhanded.

Eventually, he’d made a pretty bad situation for himself, and was trying to find the way out. That’s when he had an encounter with a messenger from heaven.

“..and Jacob was left alone. And there, he wrestled….’ (Genesis 32:24)

God had allowed Jacob his choices and methods. Then when Jacob used up all his resources, all his ideas and schemes…when he needed help in preserving his life and the lives of his family, he had a meeting with God.

“…and Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” (Genesis 32:30)

Peniel. Facing God.

Hallelujah. May we keep our faces turned to Him.