Monday, October 29, 2012


We have been made aware of a coming storm.   Warnings are a constant on any radio or TV you turn on.

The store shelves have very little of the basic supplies and food items.  It is interesting to see what people hoard in times like this.  We are much more likely to go to 'needs' than our usual 'greeds'.  

Water and bread are two items at the top of the list. 

Medicines that are essential for managing a health condition..
Blankets that contain body warmth...
Light, whether battery operated lanterns and flashlights, or candles....

We have had days of warning.  I 'think' we are ready.  Whether we are or not remains to be seen....

Man has been given warning since the Garden incident.  Oh that we would all heed that warning and respond to it as we seem to all respond to this visible storm.  

"The wages of sin is death" ( Romans 6:23 ) And we all fit in that wage bracket.... (Romans 3:23)

I find myself constantly reflecting on the seemingly monumental things that are going on on our planet home.  Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Floods, Tornados, Hurricanes....

I've came to New Jersey expecting to see the glory of my Creator displayed magnificently.  But I was expecting colorful leaves.... It is not the first time that He shows up in a way I did not expect.

My Father does not lose His cool.  He does not lash out in unrestrained anger.  He is not mean and nasty....  

He is holy.  He is just. He is loving and patient, but He will not contend with sinfulness forever. (Isaiah 57:16)

There are those that thing these are signs of His wrath.  Perhaps they are.

I have experienced His comfort and perfect peace in storms before.   I know His comfort and Presence in this storm.

I am somewhat comforted by the resident of Uz.

Big family.
Shunned evil.
Respected and reverenced God.

Yet devastated in a series of storms and tragedies.

Father, I thank You once more for the blessings of Your Hand, and for Your protection. Lord God, You are perfect and holy, and I am not. Father God, as the storm rages in our midst, my desire is to accept the adversity of life as willingly as I accept and embrace Your blessing.  I purpose in my heart to be like Job, to remain firm in my integrity, never doubting Your love, never failing in faith. (Job 2:9)

You, Lord, are our essential.
Wrap us in Your Presence.
Be our Light as never before....
You, Lord, are our Peace in this storm.
