Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Influence… we all have it…

Google defined the word as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.

We all do influence, one way or the other.

We gals certainly have influence. And we are not always wise in the ways we use it. There has always been a potential influence both for and against truth. Since the garden. Eve used hers and look at the mess we are in….

Women tend to be more impulsive, more emotional, and often quick to ‘do’ something…even if it’s the wrong thing. “Look at this fruit Adam…doesn’t it look delicious?”

I am again brought to my knees before God, examining my female self….confessing and repenting of using my influence in wrong ways. Think about how the women in the following passage misused their influence…..

“The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. But the Jews incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. (Acts 13:49,50)

They got the Apostles thrown out of the city. The very men with the message of salvation!

Have you ever stirred up a little stink? Used your words to cause strife or conflict? Spoke to someone you know who has more authority……to sway your own agenda?

Certainly using our influence is not always wrong. I believe we are taught to use it….to make disciples, to encourage, to cause others to want the peace and joy that we have in Jesus Christ.

But certainly we CAN influence in many areas that we need to purpose in our hearts and minds to NOT exercise influence.

My husband can write you a speeding ticket. You might think I can get you out of it….and I might could do that. If I chose.

But would speaking to him about releasing you from the penalty for your wrong doing be using my influence in the right way?

Let me just say this….don’t ask me. Cause I will say no. He does his job fairly, and my influencing him otherwise would equal to my doing his job instead of him. And I am not qualified to perform his job.

And God forbid I ever get in the way of God's message being delivered to another person.