Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Relate 2.....

Now I reflect on how Jesus handled the situation of the royal official's request and how he related to this father, and even family who were not directly involved. (John 4:46 ff)

The man's son was sick.

This was a man who had some authority to wield. He was a nobleman either by birth or because of holding some office of the court.

This official knew something about Jesus, and he traveled about a day to get to where Jesus was. His intention is clear...his son was sick and he wanted Jesus to intervene.

I wonder what it was that made him think Jesus could heal his son. It is remarkable that he didn't just send someone to get Jesus.

He left a sick son, and traveled at least a day, to speak to someone he had just heard about. He didn't wield whatever authority he had, he didn't assign the task to someone else, he did it personally, not commanding...just simply requesting that Jesus help.

But he thought Jesus’ physical Presence was the key.

Do I ?

At first, Jesus’ response seems harsh….. "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe." ( John 4:48)

Jesus wasn't talking just to this father but to all of them. (..and us.)

Isn’t it like us to want to ‘see’? Don’t we all have the tendency to be in doubt and disbelief until we do?

Jesus’ simple Word is enough. More than enough.

Upon His say-so, it IS. Whatever He says….IS.

I don’t have to see or understand.

I don’t have to believe it for that matter…my belief doesn’t change His power or His character. My belief only changes how He is capable of relating to me.

Jesus said ‘Your son will live.’ This man accepted that as truth and returned to find his son alive and well.

The son had a remarkable turn toward health at the very same time the father had been speaking with Jesus.

"...So he and all his household believed." (John 4:53) 
The family who might have wondered why God would take a precious son too soon, now rejoiced...

Not just over returned health…but rejoiced because they had cultivated within themselves a new and exciting relationship with Emmanuel…God With Us.

Had the son not been sick, the father would not have gone to Jesus, and the entire household may never have been brought to faith in Messiah Jesus.

And I would not have considered this morning that Jesus’ simple ‘say-so’ is all it takes.

His Word, IS. Period.

I do well to know what He has said.