Monday, August 2, 2010


Pits..... Sometimes I just slide off into one….

Sometimes I fall into a pit by accident…trip or stumble over something and find myself at the bottom of the pit….often it is ignorant blindness… “If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit.” (Luke 6:39 my interpretation)

Sometimes I get shoved in….somebody wants me there. “…without cause they dug a pit for me..” (Psa. 35:7)

I guess sometimes I jump in. Sometimes, like all of us humans, I just make the wrong choice and dive right in. “She who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit she has made.” (Psa. 7:15 personalized by me)

I’ve dug lots of pits out of fear…thinking I was digging a place that would hide me, save me somehow. Digging with a shovel named fear. Big lie… No pit is a safe place.

The pits I dig are dug by different shovels…often shovels of exhaustion. When I get overtired, seems I look up and find I’ve slid off into that pit again….shovel in hand, digging furiously as if there is relief down deeper. Another big lie…

Exhaustion for me is usually mental rather than strictly physical. Why does it take so much energy to think, feel, and listen? (….watch out with those blonde jokes.. :) ..)

Some of the pits I’ve been in are other people’s diggings, and I’ve mistakenly thought I could get them out of their pit, so I climbed down there with them, only to find myself stranded in THEIR pit. And pits are pits….whether I dig them or you do…not a good place to be, and nobody’s company adds much to the atmosphere.

Nobody can rescue us from the pits…not really. Somebody else may pull you up a little, you may see a little light, you may be relieved of that slime at the bottom…but there’s really no way out of a pit except from the Divine Rescuer. He may call us to encourage and help, but nobody stays out of pits unless He delivers.

“I will free……from the waterless pit…”(Zec. 9:11)

“I called on Your Name….. from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea….You came near when I called You, and You said, “Do not fear.” (Lam. 3:55,56)

“To the roots of the mountains I sank down….but You brought my life up from the pit, O Lord my God.” (Jonah 2:6)

Life itself is the pits…it simply ends in death unless He breaths His Spirit into us, and with It, eternal Life with Him. There’ll be no shovels in heaven…