Thursday, August 12, 2010


Dread…. Apprehension of evil or danger. Uneasiness or alarm excited because of expected pain, loss, or other evil…

I dread today. I am overbooked. There will be no time for fun conversation, no time for breaks. Maybe no lunch or even potty breaks. Yep…I dread it. But I’m sure thankful for my job and for my clientele. Very thankful.

‘What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting Arm’

It took me several minutes to recall that line, it is a very old hymn. I am reminded that on difficult days, it is most important to be leaning on that Arm and not leaning on myself. Today will be full, but ‘If the Lord delights in my way, He makes my steps firm’
(Ps. 37:23 personalized by me)

There are lots of things on my mind that I dread with all the changes looming in our lives. I am not afraid. I do trust Him. Dread is different from fear, it is not sudden but it is more continued. So this morning, I am admonished to put that dread also into His Arms and trust.

And I am told that if I’m not careful with this matter, I may become ‘a dread to my friends- those who see me on the streets may flee from me.’ (Ps. 31:11 personalized by me) Even the best of friends can become tired of the voicing of my dread!!