Thursday, June 23, 2011


Mentor… Ever have one? Ever BE one?

I was recently asked to share how God has worked in my business life through mentoring. My mind has been flooded with the mentors I have had in my own life. Some very good ones. Some however, taught me a lot from negative examples.

I must turn the focus inward. In mentoring others, have I shared and encouraged thru Godly examples fleshed out in my own life, or have others learned from me thru negative examples?

The negatives in my own past experience have made me very adament about some things. There are memories of how I was made to feel, and I want never to make someone else feel anything similar. So, I am not prone to making those mistakes. (I just make other ones. )

Mentoring is making disciples.

Jesus said, “Go…..make disciples….” (Matt. 28:19)

I have a charge to keep. “…teach them to obey…” (vs. 20)

I can do that in the ordinary moments of my day. If no other way than by my own actions.

Ouch. I don’t always.