Wednesday, December 28, 2011



This time of year we hear a lot about exercise. There are dozens of infomercials about exercise equipment that will supposedly make exercise easier or more effective.

There are commercials for pills to swallow or concoctions to drink….

But the bottom line is, exercise is work. It takes on purpose, disciplined activity. Strenuous activity. No pain, no gain. (….or should I say loss?)

In my morning quiet time reading from The Message I came across this passage….

“Now pass on this counsel to the Christians there, and you'll be a good servant of Jesus.
Stay clear of silly stories that get dressed up as religion. Exercise daily in God--no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.” (1 Timothy 4:6-8)

Like staying clear of those machines that make promises as big as the price tags on them, I am instructed to be wise about my spirituality.

I can’t buy something and sit it in a room of my house and my body automatically be in better physical shape.

Neither can I buy a Bible, or a case of them….and automatically be in better spiritual condition.

Going to a church building won’t do it.

Only exercising the muscles of my heart and mind with the Word of God will make my spiritual condition more vibrant and healthy.

Exercise daily. In His Word.

And don’t wait till January 1st. Begin right now. This minute.

Don’t make a goal that is unattainable. Don’t set yourself up to fail.

One verse that conveys a message of truth from Him is better than reading several chapters.

Read, ask Him to speak to you thru the printed page.

And expect to hear Him….He is faithful.