Water… I drink it. I cook with it. I bathe in it. I sit and look out across lakes filled with it… It soothes me, cools me, cleanses me. I’ve never experienced it bringing devastation.
I find myself trying to comprehend the images of the power unleashed in the recent tsunami. Just a crack and shift in a small place under a body of water on this planet, and the power that is unleashed is hard to imagine.
“For I am the LORD your God, who churns up the sea so that its waves roar— the LORD Almighty is his name.” Isaiah 51:15
Did God make the earth to quake? Did He send the tsunami wave?
He certainly has power to stop it. So, He obviously allowed it to happen.
I don’t accuse God, but neither will I explain away what He has power to stop.
We read the stories about the plagues that Egypt suffered and wonder how they could explain all that away, how they could refuse to submit to The God of all creation. But they did.
We read how the Hebrews walked thru a rolled back sea on dry land, escaping a pursuing enemy army, and we wonder how they could ever again doubt The God Who set them free. But they did.
I thank Him today for His promise… “Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." (Genesis 9:11)
My prayer is that somehow in this awful thing, our God will be revealed as the God He is….that all mankind will realize their absolute helplessness compared to the power He has at His disposal. I pray that in the heartbreak of this catastrophe, He will be found, and that He will restore and comfort.