Saturday, December 25, 2010


♫•*•♫♪♫•*•♫♪....I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.... ♫•*•♫♪♫•*•♫♪

Did you get your dream? Anybody have that much sung about 'White Christmas'? Did you see snow fall on this Christmas?

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow".(Isa.1:18)

Snow may fall on you this Christmas. I've seen no snow, but I am reminded of my cleansing. I don't know of anything that's whiter than snow. It's about as white as it gets I think....

"Cleanse me and I will be clean, wash me, and I will be whiter than snow"(Ps.51:7)

Whiter? I can be whiter than even snow?

It all began when God left the perfection of heaven, stepped off His throne and into the flesh of an infant human.

Just to make me whiter than snow.

THAT is something to make merry about.

Thank You Jesus.

Happy Birthday Lord.