Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Rescue… ‘natsal’ It means to snatch away….

Proverbs tells us to ‘Rescue those being led away to death….hold back those staggering toward slaughter….” (Pro. 24:11)

There are times I really struggle with this. At times, I have had such strong feelings about the decisions I see someone else making, times when I strongly disagree with the conclusions someone else has come to. It’s their choice, their business…right?

There have been situations when I did NOT comment, and have later regretted not being obedient to that nudge to speak to them. Times when I SO wish I had said or done what I had been prompted in my spirit to do but did not. The accuser (Rev.12:10) often convinces me that I am being nosey, bossy, and that it is none of my business what someone else does.

As usual, he takes truth and puts his spin on it, twisting and perverting it.

We all do make our own choices. I can not make yours for you, nor can you make mine. But so do we all have influence.

“If you say, ‘Hey, that’s none of my business,’ …will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know….Someone not impressed with weak excuses.” (Proverbs 24:12 The Message)

“My mouth shall speak truth..”(Pro.8:7) “There are things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts..”(Zec.8:16)

We sang a song in choir class back in high school…. “No Man Is An Island” We have an impact on each other’s lives. And when opportunity comes to make a positive impact by speaking truth, I believe scripture teaches that we are held accountable for it if we do not do so.

There IS absolute truth. Gray is only achieved by mixing in a little black with pure white.

The hardest part is carrying out what I believe, and doing it in a pure spirit of love….communicating that love without it being tainted by the enemy and used for his purposes to cause strife and discord.