Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Healing… I cut my finger quite often. It heals every time. Sometimes I cut the cape laying around a client. It never heals….

Go figure. Think God has anything to do with that ? I do.

I can’t make those cells heal…I can help them NOT heal, by not properly taking care of the injury. Or, I can protect them…by cleanliness, even medicine…but I can’t make a single cell rejuvenate.

I struggle with issues of healing. Even though I believe that God is El Rapha, the God Who heals, He obviously does not heal every time. People die. Young people die.

‘O Lord my God, I called to You for help and You healed me.’ (Ps. 30:2)
‘Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are the One I praise.’ (Jer. 17:14)

I wrestle with the fact that many believe, many call on Him, and many still die. Has He said ‘no’? If He has, then what is the deciding factor in His answering?

There was a time when I was afraid to speak with Him about things like this. I thought of Him as an angry old man who scowled down from His throne and shouted ‘because I said so’. ( that was a god made in my image…an image that I conjured up from misunderstandings and believing lies of our enemy..)

I respect that He is God. He does not answer to me. Yet, I am secure in His love, secure enough to take every concern to Him and ask Him to help me understand.

And when I don’t understand, I ask Him to help me accept. Sometimes, there are things beyond my ability to wrap my mind around. ( HE is Elohim, Mighty Creator, certainly not me !)

I know that ‘by His wounds we are healed’ (Isa. 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24)

Sometimes, that healing comes thru a miracle. Instantly. Sometimes, the healing comes thru a pill or injection…even a surgery. Sometimes, thru a series of treatments that are difficult.

Sometimes, I believe the healing comes from death. Healed eternally.

I am thankful today for the physical health I enjoy.

And I am even more thankful to be spiritually healed. For just as I can’t accomplish the healing of my cut finger, neither can I heal myself of the sin disease we all suffer from.

‘By His wounds, I am healed’ (Isa. 53:5) Hallelujah.