Saturday, May 15, 2010


Necessity… Coffee in the morning. Chocolate. A good pillow. Books. Reading glasses. Phone.

What would you put on the list?…

My husband fusses because I take a bag of books everywhere we go. But I never know when I might have an opportunity to drag one out and read a while. It really depends on the circumstances…but we all have those necessary things, things we think we can’t do without.

I can’t do without books. Especially my Bible.

I don’t do well without my morning coffee.

My friends know I have to have at least a bite of chocolate after I’ve eaten.

I can’t read anymore without help from reading glasses.

Like most of us these days, my phone is almost always close by.

But are any of these things really as necessary as I tend to think? I doubt it…

What is necessary? Really ? Food. Water. Air. Is there anything else that is really necessary?

Jesus said there was one thing. “ One thing only is essential…” (Luke 10: 42 The Message)

Let’s not miss the one necessary thing. Sit at His Feet today.