Friday, March 5, 2010


Strife.. It would be interesting to know what you think strife is. Stop a few seconds and define it in your mind, or share it in comment if you like…

It’s some pretty bad stuff evidently…it’s listed in Gal. 5:20 with idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, and a few other words I need to study and define. But idolatry and witchcraft??…I never want included in that listing!

Paul says ‘Let us walk honestly, as in the day..not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.’ (Romans 13:13) Again, I don’t know what a couple of those things are really…but I am pretty sure I don’t want in that list either.

So…what is this thing called strife? My definition before study was: arguments, bickering, dis-harmony..etc.

The Greek word translated ‘strife’ in the Galatians passage is ‘eritheia’. Thayer’s Greek dictionary defines it like this.. ‘electioneering or intriguing for office’.


God is something’ else. After my days of reflecting on ‘votes’ and ‘terms’ …then the issue with my mouth…now He brings me to this thing called strife…and up pops this election language again! Maybe that doesn’t blow you away..after all, these reflections are about my issues not yours…but it does blow me away, and I just share it with youJ

A further word study brings me to phrases like “those who seek only their own” “a motive of self-interest” “scheming for public office or position” “sharpening of feeling of action”

So…I prayerfully examine my heart and find strife there. Looking out for number one, ….that would be ME. Scripture defines it ‘strife’ when I scheme to keep myself on top shelf.

The world’s answer to that is “look out for #1, if you don’t do it, nobody will.” Isn’t that what you’ve been told? Well…this morning, (again)…I’ve been reminded “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘……whoever touches you touches the apple of My eye’…” (Zec. 2:8)

It’s not my mission to electioneer for office. It is not up to me to stir up the feelings of others in my favor. I am called to RE-present Christ to everyone I relate to. If I am truly His servant, I need not be out electioneering…manipulating public opinion of myself….trying to keep positioned like I want. His agenda must always come before mine. Trying to keep my agenda and His..?

Well……He’s not done with me on this topic….